Myanmar midwife : an eye-opening look at midwifery in rural Myanmar [Video] (Publications)
Every year, approximately one million women in Myanmar give birth; of these, more than 2,400 die from pregnancy related causes. In addition, 33,000 newborns die annually within the first month of thei
Reproductive resilience of adolescents in Tanzania [Video] (Publications)
This film has been produced by the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South funded project "Reproductive resilience of adolescents in Ghana and Tanzania". The project aims at learn
Bildatlas = Picture Archive [CD-ROM] (Publications)
Digitaler Bildatlas mit über 5000 Bildern aus der Bildersammlung des Schweizerischen Tropeninstitutes
Infektionsbiologie und Epidemiologie : Lernprogramm zum Kurs Infektionsbiologie und Epidemiologie [CD-ROM] (Publications)
This learning programme accompanies the block course of the same name offered by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute to third-year students taking the BSc degree in biology at the Universit
Geostatistical modelling of soil-transmitted helminth infection in Cambodia: do socioeconomic factors improve predictions? (Publications)
Soil-transmitted helminth infections are intimately connected with poverty. Yet, there is a paucity of using socioeconomic proxies in spatially explicit risk profiling. We compiled household-level soc