A randomized placebo-controlled phase a malaria vaccine trial of two virosome-formulated synthetic peptides in healthy adult volunteers (Publications)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Influenza virosomes represent an innovative human-compatible antigen delivery system that has already proven its suitability for subunit vaccine design. The aim of the study
Schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminthiasis, and sociodemographic factors influence quality of life of adults in Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Burden of disease estimates are widely used for priority setting in public health and disability-adjusted life years are a powerful "currency" nowadays. However, disability weights, which
Molecular surveillance of drug resistance through imported isolates of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> in Europe (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Results from numerous studies point convincingly to correlations between mutations at selected genes and phenotypic resistance to antimalarials in Plasmodium falciparum isolates. In order
Rifampicin/Cotrimoxazole/Isoniazid versus mefloquine or quinine + sulfadoxine- pyrimethamine for malaria: a randomized trial1 (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: Previous studies of a fixed combination including cotrimoxazole, rifampicin, and isoniazid (Cotrifazid) showed efficacy against resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum in animal models
Understanding and improving access to prompt and effective malaria treatment and care in rural Tanzania: the ACCESS Programme (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Prompt access to effective treatment is central in the fight against malaria. However, a variety of interlinked factors at household and health system level influence access to timely and