Biologie et élevage de la mouche tsé-tsé (Glossina palpalis) [16mm film] (Publications)
Tsetse-Fliegen als Überträger der Schlafkrankheit sind für die Tropenmedizin von grosser Wichtigkeit. Gezeigt werden Habitus, Haltung der Fliegen in Netzkäfigen, Fütterung mit Blut von lebenden Meersc
Genes and pathways underlying susceptibility to impaired lung function in the context of environmental tobacco smoke exposure (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Studies aiming to assess genetic susceptibility for impaired lung function levels upon exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) have thus far focused on candidate-genes selected based
<em>In vitro</em> and<em> in vivo</em> activity of R- and S-praziquantel enantiomers and the main human metabolite trans-4-hydroxy-praziquantel... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Praziquantel (PZQ) is the mainstay of schistosomiasis control and has been successfully used for decades. However, its mechanism of action is not fully understood. While the majority of st
Antischistosomal activity of pyrido[1,2-a]benzimidazole derivatives and correlation with inhibition of beta-hematin formation (Publications)
The extensive use of praziquantel against schistosomiasis raises concerns about drug resistance. New therapeutic alternatives targeting critical pathways within the parasite are therefore urgently nee
Simulation of population-based commuter exposure to NO2 using different air pollution models (Publications)
We simulated commuter routes and long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution during commute in a representative population sample in Basel (Switzerland), and evaluated three air pollution mode
Long-term exposure to air pollution and cardiovascular mortality: an analysis of 22 european cohorts (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Air pollution has been associated with cardiovascular mortality, but it remains unclear as to whether specific pollutants are related to specific cardiovascular causes of death. Within the
Arterial blood pressure and long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution: an analysis in the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Long-term exposure to air pollution is hypothesized to elevate arterial blood pressure (BP). The existing evidence is scarce and country-specific. OBJECTIVES: We investigated the cross-sec
Cross-sectional associations between air pollution and chronic bronchitis: an ESCAPE meta-analysis across five cohorts (Publications)
BACKGROUND: This study aimed to assess associations of outdoor air pollution on prevalence of chronic bronchitis symptoms in adults in five cohort studies (Asthma-E3N, ECRHS, NSHD, SALIA, SAPALDIA) pa
Development of land use regression models for particle composition in twenty study areas in Europe (Publications)
Land Use Regression (LUR) models have been used to describe and model spatial variability of annual mean concentrations of traffic related pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrogen oxides (N