Directorate | Swiss TPH (Page)
Directorate All Departments Facts and Figures Vision and Mission Swiss TPH History Board of Governors | Kuratorium Director Swiss TPH Prof. Jürg Utzinger Director “We strive to make a meaningful and m
No health without mental health (Page)
Hi Salvador, thanks for joining us today! Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I am a multidisciplinary expert in public health with a strong focus on non-communicable diseases. Mental health is deep
Master of Advanced Studies in Public Health | Swiss TPH (Page)
Master of Public Health Der gemeinsam von den Universitäten Basel, Bern und Zürich angebotene Master of Public Health ist anwendungsorientiert, bevölkerungsbezogen und interdisziplinär ausgerichtet. D
Die Schweizer Luftreinhaltepolitik muss sich dem neusten Stand des Wissens stellen (Blog)
Die Eidgenössische Kommission für Lufthygiene hat die neuen Empfehlungen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) von 2021 und deren Bedeutung für die Schweizer Luftreinhalte-Verordnung bewertet. Sie kom
Dual Burden of Disease (Page)
Dual Burden of Disease Swiss TPH has for long been at the forefront of the fight against infections. As a result, people in low and middle income countries are much more likely to survive or live with
Physical Activity (Page)
Physical Activity Physical activity is one of the most important lifestyle factors influencing human health. Health specialists at Swiss TPH study how the physical or socio-cultural environment or par
Medicine | Departments of Swiss TPH (Page)
Medicine The Department of Medicine is built on a foundation of clinical medical and diagnostic services, as well as clinical research - comprising pharmaceutical, clinical and implementation research
Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology | Departments of Swiss TPH (Page)
Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology Research on Pathogen Biology, Host-Pathogen Interaction and Immunity In the Department of Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology, we explore the molecula
Administration | Departments of Swiss TPH (Page)
Administration Efficient administration allows research, teaching and service units to focus on their areas of expertise. With a team of about 70 employees, the administration of Swiss TPH supports re
Disentangling associations between multiple environmental exposures and all-cause mortality: an analysis of European administrative and traditional... (Publications)
Background: We evaluated the independent and joint effects of air pollution, land/built environment characteristics, and ambient temperature on all-cause mortality as part of the EXPANSE project. Meth