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Im Gesundheitssytem braucht es Daten für Taten (Publications)
Childhood infectious diseases and vascular health in adolescence - results from the SAPALDIA youth study (Publications)
Is diabetes a risk factor for a severe clinical presentation of dengue? (Publications)
Vitamin D levels, HbA1c and lipid profile in newly arrived Eritrean refugees in Switzerland (Publications)
Indo-Swiss Symposium on Cohorts and Biobanks with special reference to chronic non-communicable diseases (Publications)
Bienvenue à Bâle: maladies chroniques un défi global (Publications)
Schlussbericht zur SOPHYA-Studie (Laufzeit des Projekts: Januar 2013-Januar 2016) (Publications)
Measuring environmental pollution - healthier in old age (Publications)
Überlegungen zur Prävention in der zweiten Lebenshälfte: Ergebnisse der POMME-Studie zum Umgang von Schweizer Ärztinnen mit der Osteoporoseprävention (Publications)
Cardiovascular risk profile and impact of adolescent smoking (Publications)