Spirometer replacement and serial lung function measurements in population studies: results from the SAPALDIA study (Publications)
The Swiss Cohort Study on Air Pollution and Lung and Heart Disease in Adults (SAPALDIA), a population cohort study, used heated-wire spirometers in 1991 and 2002 and then ultrasonic spirometers in 201
Follow-up on genome-wide main effects: do polymorphisms modify the air pollution effect on lung function decline in adults? (Publications)
Improved air quality has been found associated with attenuated age-related decline in lung function. But whether genetic polymorphisms strongly associated with lung function play a modifying role in t
Forschung für Generationen (Publications)
Die ehemalige "Luft- und Lungen-Studie" SAPALDIA ist 20 Jahre alt geworden. Forscherinnen und Forscher aus verschiedensten Disziplinen untersuchen seit Jahren das Zusammenspiel von Umwelt und Gesundhe
Identification of a new locus at 16q12 associated with time-to-asthma onset (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Asthma is a heterogeneous disease in which age of onset plays an important role. OBJECTIVE: We sought to identify the genetic variants associated with time to asthma onset (TAO). METHODS:
Étude du biais dû aux non-répondants dans une étude épidemiologique (SAPALDIA) (Publications)
Within the Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA) 16267 adults aged 18 to 60 years from 8 different locations in Switzerland were randomly selected for answering a questio
Prevention--a cost-effective way to fight the non-communicable disease epidemic: an academic perspective of the United Nations High-level NCD Meeting (Publications)
The United Nations General Assembly has convened a Summit on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), an historic moment in the global combat of these disorders. Lifestyles in increasingly urban and globalis
An approach to the asthma-protective farm effect by geocoding: good farms and better farms (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The highly consistent association of growing up on a farm with a reduced asthma risk has so far been attributed to direct farm exposure. In contrast, geographical determinants of the large
Evaluating the sustainability, scalability, and replicability of an STH transmission interruption intervention: the DeWorm3 implementation science... (Publications)
Hybrid trials that include both clinical and implementation science outcomes are increasingly relevant for public health researchers that aim to rapidly translate study findings into evidence-based pr