Proteome-wide analysis of a malaria vaccine study reveals personalized humoral immune profiles in Tanzanian adults (Publications)
(Pf) sporozoites (PfSPZ Vaccine) and protective efficacy assessed by homologous controlled human malaria infection (CHMI). Serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses were analyzed longitudinally using a Pf [...] first insights into naturally acquired and PfSPZ Vaccine-induced whole parasite antibody profiles in malaria pre-exposed Africans. Immunoreactivity was identified against 2,239 functionally diverse Pf proteins
Methods and indicators for measuring patterns of human exposure to malaria vectors (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Effective targeting and evaluation of interventions that protect against adult malaria vectors requires an understanding of how gaps in personal protection arise. An improved understanding [...] collected and used consistently, this information can contribute to an improved understanding of how malaria transmission persists in the context of current intervention tools, how exposure patterns may change
Malaria infection prevalence and sensitivity of reactive case detection in Zanzibar (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Reactive case detection (RCD) is a commonly used strategy for malaria surveillance and response in elimination settings. Many approaches to RCD assume detectable infections are clustered within [...] household and up to 9 additional neighboring households. RESULTS: Of 12,487 participants tested by malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT), 3.2% of those residing in index households and 0.4% of those residing [...] Sensitivity of RDT to detect qPCR-detectable infections was 34% (95%CI:...
The epidemiology of <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>and <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> in East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, pre- and... (Publications)
of local heterogeneity in malaria transmission and the driving factors is critical to identify and implement targeted control strategies to ensure the ongoing success of malaria control in PNG and inform [...] BACKGROUND: In the past decade, national malaria control efforts in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have received renewed support, facilitating nationwide distribution of free long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) [...] households (> 50% of household members with Plasmodium infection). CONCLUSION:...
Randomised trial of SPf66 vaccine against <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria in children in southern Tanzania (Publications)
3 clinical fever episodes per year. Minimum estimated community rates for serious malaria (cerebral malaria or malaria and anaemia) affect approximatively 5% of all children. Under conditions of a field [...] current malaria control strategies using rapid diagnosis and treatment as well as methods to reduce the man-vector contact have had limited success. In Kilombero district (Southern Tanzania), malaria transmission [...] Malaria, especially that due to Plasmodium falciparum, is one of the...
Malaria websites (Publications)
return, 2) the essential on the parasite, the diagnosis and the treatment, 3) the malaria problem worldwide and 4) malaria maps [...] One click on, key-word "Malaria", 24,900,000 entries. How to choose among this jungle of websites? Ten sites are proposed to meet the needs of the general practitioner They are categorized by
Parasitological and clinical efficacy of standard treatment regimens against <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>, <em>P. vivax</em> and <em>P.... (Publications)
(Q+SP) for malaria in a rural health centre of the East Sepik Province. 179 patients presenting with symptoms and signs of malaria and with Pf (144 patients), Pv (18 patients), P. malariae (Pm) (7 patients) [...] provided support for the recent change in the policy for the standard treatment of uncomplicated malaria in PNG from AQ or CQ to the combination of AQ+SP or CQ+SP, a recommendation aimed at slowing down
The malaria vaccine development programme in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
(PNGIMR), Papua New Guinea has a significant role in the global effort to develop a malaria vaccine, ensuring that the malaria patterns in Asia and the Pacific region are considered in vaccine development