Management of severe malaria cases learnings and challenges from the field (Publications)
A presentation on the management of severe malaria cases learnings and challenges from the field by Manuel Hetzel of the CARAMAL project.
Evaluating putative repellent 'push' and attractive 'pull' components for manipulating the odour orientation of host-seeking malaria vectors in the... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Novel malaria vector control approaches aim to combine tools for maximum protection. This study aimed to evaluate novel and re-evaluate existing putative repellent 'push' and attractive 'pull' [...] 'pull' components for manipulating the odour orientation of malaria vectors in the peri-domestic space. METHODS: Anopheles arabiensis outdoor human landing catches and trap comparisons were implemented in [...] components led to a better understanding of their ability to affect...
Multisectoral approach to support use of insecticide-treated net for malaria prevention among mobile and migrant populations in Myanmar: a systematic... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Myanmar is a premalaria elimination country with artemisinin-resistant malaria. A strategy for transmission control is focused on vulnerable groups such as mobile and migrant populations (MMPs) [...] (MSA). METHODS: This narrative systematic review addressed MSAs targeted to MMPs in Myanmar for malaria prevention. We searched relevant studies in electronic databases and present the narrative findings
Study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial of strategies to increase antenatal iron and folic acid supplementation and malaria... (Publications)
post-partum anaemia and malaria infection. Anaemia will be assessed using HEMOCUE devices; malaria infections will be assessed using standard rapid diagnostic tests named CareStart Malaria Pf (HRP2) Ag RDT (Multi [...] of antenatal iron and folic acid supplementation (IFAS) and intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) remains low in many countries. Evidence on the most effective ways to increase [...] cost, impact and relative cost-effectiveness of two complementary...
Nanotechnological immunoassay for rapid label-free analysis of candidate malaria vaccines (Publications)
Malaria is a life-threatening epidemic disease with half of the world's population at risk. Although its incidence rate has fallen since 2010, this ratio dramatically stalled between 2014 and 2018. New [...] molecules in serum samples. The immunoassay successfully diagnoses humoral immune responses induced by malaria vaccine candidates and reveals the timeline and stage of the infection. We applied the newly developed [...] antibody/vaccine solutions, to blood samples from clinical trials on...
A systematic literature review of microscopy methods reported in malaria clinical trials (Publications)
Microscopy of stained blood films is essential for the diagnosis of malaria, differentiation of parasite species, and estimation of parasite density performed for assessments of antimalarial drug efficacy [...] the emergence or spread of antimalarial drug resistance. Although evidence-based guidelines for malaria microscopy methods exist, the age-old microscopy techniques for parasitological assessments are subject
Communities and clinical trials: a case study from the RTS,S malaria vaccine trials in eastern Africa (Publications)
resource scarcity can intensify existing inequities. Here we present a case study of a phase III malaria vaccine clinical trial. Through qualitative interviews with researchers and caregivers of pediatric