Assessment of the effect of larval source management and house improvement on malaria transmission when added to standard malaria control strategies... (Publications)
residual spraying (IRS) will be insufficient as stand-alone malaria vector control interventions in many settings as programmes shift toward malaria elimination. Combining additional vector control interventions [...] together with the interventions currently implemented by the Malawi National Malaria Control Programme is anticipated to reduce malaria transmission below the level reached by current interventions alone. I [...] We will implement community-based LSM and HI, as additional...
Self-diagnosis of malaria by travellers: a cohort study on the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests provided by a Swiss travel clinic (Publications)
with malaria and self-treated successfully. This strategy allows prompt treatment for malaria in high-risk groups and may avoid over-diagnosis (and subsequent inappropriate treatment) of malaria on-site [...] BACKGROUND: The WHO recommends that all suspect malaria cases be tested before receiving treatment. Rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) for malaria can be performed reliably by community health workers with no [...] procedure on how to perform the test and act on its result. The travellers were...
Impact of malaria interventions on child mortality in endemic African settings: comparison and alignment between LiST and Spectrum-Malaria model (Publications)
function of baseline malaria endemicity, seasonality in transmission and malaria intervention coverage levels (estimated for years 2000 to 2015 by the World Health Organization and Malaria Atlas Project). [...] Spectrum-Malaria projects larger proportional impacts, reflecting onward dynamic effects not fully captured by LiST. CONCLUSIONS: Spectrum-Malaria complements LiST by extending the scope of malaria interventions [...] BACKGROUND: In malaria-endemic countries, malaria prevention and...
Child health and infection with low density (CHILD) malaria: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial to assess the long-term health and... (Publications)
participants receive malaria testing using RDT and qPCR three times annually, and malaria testing by RDT only when presenting with fever. PCDm and PCD participants receive malaria testing by RDT and qPCR [...] INTRODUCTION: As malaria declines, low-density malaria infections (LMIs) represent an increasing proportion of infections and may have negative impacts on child health and cognition, necessitating development [...] respectively, when presenting with fever. RDT or qPCR positive...
Malaria standby emergency treatment (SBET) for travelers visiting malaria endemic areas: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Publications)
Malaria prevention methods for travelers to low or moderate malaria risk areas varies and remains controversial. Standby Emergency Treatment (SBET) for malaria is one possible strategy increasingly recommended [...] proportion carrying SBET, the response to fever (use of SBET, health facility attendance, use of malaria rapid diagnostic test [mRDT]), adverse events to SBET, and the proportion using SBET incorrectly [...] current SBET strategy should be considered, such as better selection of...
Fake malaria and hidden parasites - the ambiguity of malaria (Publications)
and education, programmes, and as a result, biomedical knowledge on malaria is comparatively high. However the cultural model of malaria does not always explain all the events that occur during an actual [...] Lay perspectives and health-seeking behaviour for malaria were investigated in an ethnographic study carried out in a village in south-eastern Tanzania. The inhabitants have easy access to hospital services [...] or the symptoms persist despite antimalarial treatment. Under these...
The central role of national programme management for the achievement of malaria elimination: a cross case-study analysis of nine malaria programmes (Publications)
those implementing malaria elimination in the periphery was not well described. Political commitment and sustained financing contributed to malaria programme success. Consistency of malaria programmes depends [...] progress towards malaria goals. The eliminating malaria case-study series reports were reviewed to identify successful programme management components using a cross-case study analytic approach. METHODS: [...] RESULTS: Decentralized programmes enhanced engagement in malaria...
Spectrum-malaria: a user-friendly projection tool for health impact assessment and strategic planning by malaria control programmes in sub-Saharan... (Publications)
Scale-up of malaria prevention and treatment needs to continue but national strategies and budget allocations are not always evidence-based. This article presents a new modelling tool projecting malaria infection [...] provinces, from the WHO and malaria atlas project. Impacts over 2016-2030 are projected for insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), indoor residual spraying (IRS), seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC), and effective [...] DISCUSSION: Spectrum-Malaria's user-friendly interface and...