Implementation research of a cluster randomized trial evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria... (Publications)
since the malaria epidemiologic shift to school-aged children was noted. In the meantime, school-aged children (5-15 years) have become increasingly more vulnerable with asymptomatic malaria prevalence [...] to 70%, making them reservoirs for subsequent transmission of malaria in the endemic communities. Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in schoolchildren (IPTsc) has proven to be an effective tool [...] Tanzania so as to understand the operational feasibility and effectiveness of...
Vector composition, abundance, biting patterns and malaria transmission intensity in Madang, Papua New Guinea: assessment after 7 years of an... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: A malaria control programme based on distribution of long-lasting insecticidal bed nets (LLINs) and artemisinin combination therapy began in Papua New Guinea in 2009. After implementation of [...] of the programme, substantial reductions in vector abundance and malaria transmission intensity occurred. The research reported here investigated whether these reductions remained after seven years of [...] Anopheles per screen-night and 2.2-31.1 Anopheles per person-night), and spatially...
The effect of community-driven larval source management and house improvement on malaria transmission when added to the standard malaria control... (Publications)
sufficient for malaria elimination. The effects of community-based house improvement (HI) and larval source management (LSM) as supplementary interventions to the Malawi National Malaria Control Programme [...] tion indicated a promising reduction in malaria transmission for the area, but also limited the usefulness of this outcome for measuring differences in malaria transmission among the trial arms. Trial [...] bed net use, neither community-based HI, LSM, nor HI + LSM contributed to further...
Early whole blood transcriptional responses to radiation-attenuated <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> sporozoite vaccination in malaria naive and malaria... (Publications)
radiation-attenuated P. falciparum sporozoites were analysed and compared across malaria-naive adult participants (IMRAS) and malaria-experienced adult participants (BSPZV1). Parasite dose and method of delivery [...] despite stark differences between the two studies, including route of vaccination and status of malaria exposure, responses were identified that were associated with protection after PfRAS vaccination
Constructing a malaria-related health service readiness index and assessing its association with child malaria mortality: an analysis of the Burkina... (Publications)
services. We constructed a readiness index related to malaria services and determined the association between health facility malaria readiness and malaria mortality in children under the age of 5 years in [...] l models with variable selection were fitted to malaria mortality data. The most important facility readiness indicators related to general and malaria-specific services were determined. Multiple corr [...] the low readiness group. Medical centres readiness was not related to malaria...
Closing the malaria prevention gap: measuring and characterizing human behavioral drivers of persistent malaria transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa (Publications)
two-thirds of the reduction in malaria burden over the past two decades. However, progress has begun to stall in recent years highlighting the importance of enhanced malaria prevention efforts. The aim of [...] Malaria kills a person nearly every minute, most often a child under the age of five. While endemic in many parts of the world, a disproportionate burden of cases and deaths are borne by people living [...] living in sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria is transmitted by the female Anopheles...