Synthetic glycosylphosphatidylinositol microarray reveals differential antibody levels and fine specificities in children with mild and severe malaria (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum life cycle are a central toxin in malaria. The contribution of GPI specific humoral immune responses to protection against malaria pathology is not clear, since studies on the correlation [...] anti-GPI antibody responses in healthy and malaria diseased individuals. Furthermore, the age dependent development of humoral immune responses against GPI in malaria-exposed children was investigated. Anti-GPI [...] with severe malaria and healthy children contained antibodies that...
Cytochrome P450 6M2 from the malaria vector <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> metabolizes pyrethroids: sequential metabolism of deltamethrin revealed (Publications)
Resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae is a major threat to malaria control programmes. Cytochome P450-mediated detoxification is an important resistance mechanism [...] metabolic resistance to pyrethroids and thus an important target for the design of new tools to combat malaria
A research agenda for malaria eradication: cross-cutting issues for eradication (Publications)
ic Malaria Eradication Research Agenda (malERA) Consultative Groups have recognized several cross-cutting issues that must be addressed to prevent repetition of some of the mistakes of past malaria elimination [...] levels. Because sustained malaria elimination is dependent on a functioning health system, a further key cross-cutting research question is to determine how inputs for malaria can strengthen health systems [...] programs. Integrated research is required to develop a decision-making...
Costs and consequences of large-scale vector control for malaria (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Five large insecticide-treated net (ITN) programmes and two indoor residual spraying (IRS) programmes were compared using a standardized costing methodology. METHODS: Costs were measured l
A research agenda for malaria eradication: health systems and operational research (Publications)
global malaria eradication agenda. In this paper, we (the malERA Consultative Group on Health Systems and Operational Research) focus on the health systems needs of the elimination phase of malaria eradication [...] the pathway to elimination. We examine the difference between the last attempt at eradication of malaria and more recent initiatives, and consider the changing health system challenges as countries make
A high-resolution geospatial surveillance-response system for malaria elimination in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu (Publications)
provinces of Isabel and Temotu, Solomon Islands and Tafea, Vanuatu. Confirmed malaria cases were reported to provincial malaria offices upon diagnosis and updated into the respective SDSS as part of routine [...] surveillance-response system has been developed within a geographic information system (GIS) to support malaria elimination in the Pacific. This paper examines the application of a GIS-based spatial decision support [...] support system (SDSS) to automatically locate and map the...
A research agenda for malaria eradication: monitoring, evaluation, and surveillance (Publications)
how well public health programs operate over time and achieve their goals. As countries approach malaria elimination, these activities will need to shift from measuring reductions in morbidity and mortality [...] there is a clear need to systematically review the information from past elimination efforts for malaria and other infectious diseases
Evaluating the effectiveness of IPTi on malaria using routine health information from sentinel health centres in southern Tanzania (Publications)
of IPTi on malaria, anaemia, and all-cause attendance in children aged 2-11 months presenting to 11 health centres in southern Tanzania is described. METHODS: Clinical diagnosis of malaria was confirmed [...] BACKGROUND: Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants (IPTi) consists of the administration of a treatment dose of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) at the time of routine vaccinations. The
Rapid urban malaria appraisal (RUMA) in sub-Saharan Africa (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The rapid urban malaria appraisal (RUMA) methodology aims to provide a cost-effective tool to conduct rapid assessments of the malaria situation in urban sub-Saharan Africa and to improve the [...] site, providing a good overview of the malaria situation. School and health facility-based surveys provided an overview of local endemicity and the overall malaria burden in different city areas. This helped [...] the understanding of urban malaria epidemiology. METHODS: This work was done...