Prophylaxe und Therapie der Malaria in der Praxis (Publications)
resulting uncertainties by providing almost identical recommendations for malaria prevention and management.Many factors influence the malaria risk. Travel style, duration and season of travel, the transmitting [...] Malaria prophylaxis is often discussed among travelers. Different recommendations are confusing. This is partially due to the availability of drugs in different countries and to the fact that few evid [...] Plasmodia and resistance of the parasites against antimalarial drugs...
Malaria prevention in travelers (Publications)
approach to malaria prevention is to follow the "A, B, C, D" rule: Awareness of risk, Bite avoidance, Compliance with chemoprophylaxis, and prompt Diagnosis in case of fever. The risk of acquiring malaria depends [...] This review discusses the different strategies and drug options available for the prevention of malaria during and post travel
Monkey malaria in a European traveler returning from Malaysia (Publications)
knowlesi, a parasite that usually causes malaria in monkeys. P. knowlesi has established itself as the fifth Plasmodium species that can cause human malaria. The disease is potentially life-threatening