Malaria Elimination (Page)
Malaria Elimination The malaria map is shrinking. In high burden areas malaria parasite prevalence has been reduced dramatically. Around 100 countries are now free from malaria. According to WHO estimates [...] strategies. Malaria Antimalarial Drug Development Malaria Vaccines Mosquito Biology and Control Project Highlights Malaria Diagnosis in Papua New Guinea Controlling and Eliminating Malaria in Southeast [...] estimates, malaria incidence (the rate of new malaria cases) fell by 37% between...
CARAMAL | Swiss TPH Malaria Projects (Page)
CARAMAL - Community Access to Rectal Artesunate for Malaria Many malaria deaths occur in places where people have poor access to preventive and curative health services. Prompt access to quality care is [...] severe childhood diseases, among which severe malaria is particularly frequent in endemic areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Where parenteral treatment of severe malaria is not available, for example at the level [...] of care for severe malaria can be provided. Since 2018, two RAS products have...
Socially marketed insecticide-treated nets improve malaria and anaemia in pregnancy in southern Tanzania (Publications)
CONCLUSIONS: A modest impact of ITNs on pregnancy malaria and anaemia was shown in our high malaria transmission setting. The development of ITN programmes for malaria control should include pregnant women as a [...] no anaemia, and of high density, low density and no malaria infection by ITN status. Recently treated nets were most effective at preventing malaria and anaemia (prevalence of mild anaemia was 68% compared [...] OBJECTIVES: To study the uptake of socially marketed...
Environmental predictors of the seasonality of malaria transmission in Africa: the challenge (Publications)
A description of malaria seasonality is important for planning and optimizing malaria control in both time and space, but adequate malariologic data are not available for many disease-endemic areas. We [...] between the seasonal dynamics of environmental determinants and malaria pose a great challenge and highlights the need for improved models of malaria seasonality
Effect of malaria on soluble transferrin receptor levels in Tanzanian infants (Publications)
iron deficiency in malaria endemic areas remains unresolved. Three hundred and fourteen infants in a rural area of southern Tanzania living under conditions of intense and perennial malaria transmission were [...] The diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia in malaria endemic areas is complicated by the influence of the infection on the laboratory tests conventionally used to assess iron status. Determination of soluble [...] plasma levels in the assessment of iron deficiency anemia. Independent of...
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> cerebral malaria complicated by disseminated intravascular coagulation and symmetrical peripheral gangrene: case report... (Publications)
The case of a 56-year-old female tourist who survived cerebral Plasmodium falciparum malaria with disseminated intravascular coagulation and symmetrical peripheral gangrene, ultimately requiring amputation [...] gangrene has been described rarely in Asian, African, and American patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria and disseminated intravascular coagulation, no such case has been reported in travelers returning
Intermittent preventive treatment for malaria and anaemia control in Tanzanian infants; the development and implementation of a public health strategy (Publications)
ased strategy for the implementation of intermittent preventive treatment in infants (IPTi) for malaria and anaemia control in Tanzania. From the outset, a research team worked with staff from all levels
El-Ninõ Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and annual malaria incidence in Southern Africa (Publications)
We evaluated the association between annual malaria incidence and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) as measured by the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) in five countries in Southern Africa from 1988 [...] 1988 to 1999. Below normal incidence of malaria synchronised with a negative SOI (El Niño) and above normal incidence with a positive SOI (La Niña), which lead to dry and wet weather conditions, respectively [...] respectively. In most countries there was a positive relationship between SOI...