Human antibodies to recombinant protein constructs of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> Apical Membrane Antigen 1 (AMA1) and their associations with... (Publications)
ectodomain (both FVO and 3D7 allele constructs) prior to a malaria transmission season were significantly associated with protection from malaria in the following 6 months, even after adjusting for age and
Malaria-infected mice are cured by oral administration of new artemisinin derivatives (Publications)
a new series of 23 trioxane dimers has been prepared. Eleven of these new trioxane dimers cure malaria-infected mice via oral dosing at 3 x 30 mg/kg. The clinically used trioxane drug sodium artesunate [...] on day 6-7 postinfection. At only 3 x 10 mg/kg oral dosing, seven dimers prolong the lifetime of malaria-infected mice to days 14-17, more than double the chemotherapeutic effect of sodium artesunate. Ten
Does radical cure of asymptomatic <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> place adults in endemic areas at increased risk of recurrent symptomatic malaria? (Publications)
District (northern Ghana) was radically cured of malaria parasites to study subsequent incidence of malaria infection. During the following 20 weeks of the malaria transmission season, 49% experienced clinical [...] hypothesis that radical cure of P. falciparum enhances the risk and severity of subsequent clinical malaria attacks.
A phase 3 trial of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in African infants (Publications)
Background The candidate malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS01 reduced episodes of both clinical and severe malaria in children 5 to 17 months of age by approximately 50% in an ongoing phase 3 trial. We studied infants [...] only episode of clinical malaria during the 12 months after vaccination, a coprimary end point, was analyzed with the use of Cox regression. Vaccine efficacy against all malaria episodes, vaccine efficacy [...] efficacy against severe malaria, safety, and immunogenicity were also...
Use and misuse of a discount voucher scheme as a subsidy for insecticide-treated nets for malaria control in southern Tanzania (Publications)
Since 1997, discount vouchers for insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) have been used in two rural districts of southern Tanzania as a way to target subsidies to children under 5 years and pregnant women.
The economic payoffs of integrated malaria control in the Zambian copperbelt between 1930 and 1950 (Publications)
suggested that malaria is delaying the economic development of countries that are most severely affected by the disease. Several studies have documented the economic consequences of malaria at the household [...] economic impact of malaria on the industrial and service sectors that will probably become the backbone of many developing economies. We estimate the economic effects of integrated malaria control implemented [...] 284 malaria attacks and 942,347 work shift losses were averted. Overall,...
The Internet: a valuable tool for Roll Back Malaria (Publications)
Roll Back Malaria (RBM) will face a tremendous challenge in halving the current malaria burden by 2010. Thus, the initiative needs to explore novel and innovative approaches. The potential of the Internet [...] build a virtual community and to facilitate the training of a new generation of skilled personel for malaria diagnosis is discussed here. We also argue that investment in information technology is crucial to