Global action for training in malaria elimination [Commentary] (Publications)
The Rethinking Malaria Leadership Forum, held at Harvard Business School in February 2017 with collaboration of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute [...] training gap as a high priority for both analysis and action. The gap in human resource training for malaria elimination needs to be addressed in order to assure continued progress. This paper identifies major [...] assist in filling the training gaps, and proposes global actions to...
Human migration and the spread of malaria parasites to the New World (Publications)
We examined the mitogenomes of a large global collection of human malaria parasites to explore how and when Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax entered the Americas. We found evidence of a significant [...] contribution of African and South Asian lineages to present-day New World malaria parasites with additional P. vivax lineages appearing to originate from Melanesia that were putatively carried by the
Converging human and malaria vector diagnostics with data management towards an integrated holistic One Health approach (Publications)
Monitoring malaria prevalence in humans, as well as vector populations, for the presence of Plasmodium, is an integral component of effective malaria control, and eventually, elimination. In the field [...] precisely, the causative agent of fever, thereby differentiating among several candidate (also non-malaria) febrile diseases. This requires genetic-based pathogen identification and multiplexed analysis,
The effect of case management and vector-control interventions on space-time patterns of malaria incidence in Uganda (Publications)
space-time patterns of malaria incidence in children < 5 are similar to those of parasitaemia risk predicted from the malaria indicator survey of 2014-15. CONCLUSION: The decline in malaria incidence highlights [...] METHODS: Bayesian spatio-temporal negative binomial models were fitted on district-aggregated monthly malaria cases, reported by two age groups, defined by a cut-off age of 5 years. The effects of interventions [...] trigonometric functions were incorporated in the models to take...
Challenges of DHS and MIS to capture the entire pattern of malaria parasite risk and intervention effects in countries with different ecological... (Publications)
multiple indicator cluster survey. Malaria parasitological data were collected, but the survey period did not overlap with the high malaria transmission season. A malaria indicator survey (MIS) was also conducted [...] conducted during the same year, within the malaria peak transmission season. This study compares estimates of the geographical distribution of malaria parasite risk and of the effects of interventions [...] used to identify the most important climatic predictors and indicators of ...
Using yeast synthetic lethality to inform drug combination for malaria (Publications)
Combinatorial chemotherapy is necessary for the treatment of malaria. However, finding a suitable partner drug for a new candidate is challenging. Here we develop an algorithm that identifies all of the
A combined school survey and reactive case detection reveals minimal local transmission of malaria in the Highlands Region of Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Highlands of Papua New Guinea are non-endemic for malaria compared to the rest of the country. This study aimed to explore the local transmission of malaria in the Highlands through a cross-sectional school [...] 1048 household members were screened for malaria using Rapid Diagnostic Tests, subsequently validated by light microscopy. In addition, an analysis of malaria cases (2017 to 2019) was conducted across [...] Local malaria transmission appears to be minimal in the surveyed Highlands...
A matter of timing: biting by malaria-infected <em>Anopheles</em> mosquitoes and the use of interventions during the night in rural south-eastern... (Publications)
Knowing when and where infected mosquitoes bite is required for estimating accurate measures of malaria risk, assessing outdoor exposure, and designing intervention strategies. This study combines secondary [...] behaviour survey and an entomological survey carried out in the same area to estimate human exposure to malaria-infected Anopheles mosquitoes throughout the night in rural villages in south-eastern Tanzania. [...] Individuals were mainly outdoors before 9PM, and mainly indoors between...