Potential opportunities and challenges of deploying next generation sequencing and CRISPR-Cas systems to support diagnostics and surveillance towards... (Publications)
Here we discuss the promise and challenges of NGS and CRISPR-Cas in the context of malaria as Africa moves towards malaria elimination. These innovative tools are urgently needed to strengthen the current [...] current diagnostic and surveillance systems. We discuss ongoing efforts to deploy these tools for malaria detection and molecular surveillance highlighting potential opportunities presented by these innovative [...] current workforce and infrastructure challenges. Overall, these ongoing...
Temporal and wash-out studies identify medicines for malaria venture pathogen box compounds with fast-acting activity against both <em>Trypanosoma... (Publications)
identify compounds with selective activity against both T. cruzi and T.b. brucei from the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) Pathogen Box compound collection. To prioritise these molecules for further investigation
Insecticide-treated eave nets and window screens for malaria control in Chalinze district, Tanzania: a study protocol for a household randomised... (Publications)
reduction of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, including Tanzania. However, they rely on daily user behaviour and high coverage which is difficult to maintain. Also, insecticide resistance among malaria vector [...] ruary, 2022) as the secondary outcome. Other secondary outcomes include clinical malaria cases, and density of malaria vectors and nuisance after the short rain and long rain. In addition, surveys will [...] reduction translates into reduction of malaria cases. Data from the study will...
A stable, oligosymptomatic malaria focus in Thailand (Publications)
residents of a non-migratory farming village in south-eastern Thailand was visually examined for malaria parasites monthly for 2 years. Nearly 97% of the population had at least one (median = 5) patent [...] negative. The spleen rate (89% stage 1) was 24% in those under 15 years old and 7% in those older. No malaria mortality was seen P. falciparum cases treated for 10 d with quinine+tetracycline (QT) cleared the [...] better with MSP than with QT. The role played by hyperendemic, cryptic foci...
Leucopenia and abnormal liver function in travellers on malaria chemoprophylaxis (Publications)
Of 2887 travellers between the years 1984-1985, 451 on prophylactic antimalarials were studied retrospectively for adverse haematological or hepatic drug reactions and compared to 296 drug non-users.
Die Falciparum-Malaria in der Schweiz: ein Problem der Intensivmedizin? (Publications)
the period 1972-1976, 5 of 17 patients admitted to the Cantonal Hospital, Basel, for falciparum malaria had to be treated in the intensive care unit. Two patients died. None had performed regular chem [...] several days had elapsed between onset of symptoms and diagnosis. The importance of information on malaria to tourists and physicians is stressed.
Epidemiologie und Klinik der Malaria in der Schweiz (Publications)
thirds of all cases of malaria in Switzerland are imported from Africa. Accordingly, malignant malaria is more frequently diagnosed in Switzerland than tertian malaria. Malignant malaria usually presents atypically [...] shock. The lethality is high. The majority of Swiss travellers are not protected effectively against malaria. A group particularly at risk are tourists of 20--30 years of age. It is suggested that travel agencies [...] the medical profession should intensify public information...