Field-caught permethrin-resistant <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> overexpress CYP6P3, a P450 that metabolises pyrethroids (Publications)
Resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae is receiving increasing attention because it threatens the sustainability of malaria vector control programs in sub-Saharan Africa
Targeting <em>Plasmodium </em>plasmepsin V: hitting two birds with one stone (Publications)
al. reveals an important role for plasmepsin V (PMV), an aspartyl protease, in the development of malaria transmission stages. The authors showed that PMV activity is critical for protein export in these
Targeting <em>Plasmodium </em>plasmepsin V: hitting two birds with one stone (Publications)
al. reveals an important role for plasmepsin V (PMV), an aspartyl protease, in the development of malaria transmission stages. The authors showed that PMV activity is critical for protein export in these
Long-term acceptability, durability and bio-efficacy of ZeroVector® durable lining for vector control in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
had previously been installed in 40 homes across four study sites representing a cross section of malaria transmission risk and housing style. Structured questionnaires, DL visual inspections and group [...] at 36-months post-installation, the material and fixtures proved durable and the efficacy against malaria vectors did not decrease. However, the DL material had been removed from over 50% of the original [...] suggest DL may not be an appropriate vector control method for large-scale use in...
Determinants of bed net use conditional on access in population surveys in Ghana (Publications)
e-treated nets (ITNs) are one of the most effective and widely available methods for preventing malaria, and there is interest in understanding the complexities of behavioural drivers of non-use among [...] access to a net. METHODS: Survey data from the Ghana 2014 Demographic and Health Survey and the 2016 Malaria Indicator Survey were used to calculate household members' access to space under a net as well as [...] households when compared to the poorest category. In 2014, exposure to messages...
Effect of vitamin A supplementation on morbidity due to <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> in young children in Papua New Guinea: a randomised trial (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Many individuals at risk of malaria also have micronutrient deficiencies that may hamper protective immunity. Vitamin A is central to normal immune function, and supplementation has been shown [...] morbidity of some infectious diseases. We investigated the effect of vitamin A supplementation on malaria morbidity. METHODS: This randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial of vitamin A supplementation [...] randomly assigned high-dose vitamin A (n=239) or placebo (n=241), every 3...
Mosquito net coverage in years between mass distributions: a case study of Tanzania, 2013 (Publications)
commercial market. To sustain investments and health gains in the fight against malaria, it is important for the National Malaria Control Programme to monitor LLIN coverage especially in the years between mass [...] household survey was conducted in 3398 households in eight districts in Tanzania. Using the Roll Back Malaria indicators, the study analysed: (1) household net ownership; (2) access to nets; (3) population net
Co-infection of the four major <em>Plasmodium </em>species: effects on densities and gametocyte carriage (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Co-infection of the four major species of human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Pf), P. vivax (Pv), P. malariae (Pm), and P. ovale sp. (Po) is regularly observed, but there is limited [...] (95% CI: 0.95, 1.79) for gametocytes. This excess co-infection risk was partially attributable to malaria infections clustering in some villages. Pf-Pv-Pm triple infections were four times more frequent
Long-term trends in <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> insecticide resistance in Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
for ITNs. The rapid rise in insecticide resistance in African malaria vectors has raised alarms about the sustainability of existing malaria control activities. This problem might be particularly acute [...] BackgroundMalaria control is heavily dependent on the use of insecticides that target adult mosquito vectors via insecticide treated nets (ITNs) or indoor residual spraying (IRS). Four classes of insecticide
Comparison of detection methods to estimate asexual <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> parasite prevalence and gametocyte carriage in a community survey... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The use of molecular techniques to detect malaria parasites has been advocated to improve the accuracy of parasite prevalence estimates, especially in moderate to low endemic settings. Molecular [...] carefully evaluated. Light microscopy (LM) and rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) are commonly used to detect malaria infection in resource constrained areas, but their limited sensitivity results in underestimation [...] identified by PCR. Thus, LM is not a sufficiently accurate technique...