PHARE: a bioinformatics pipeline for compositional profiling of multiclonal <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections from long-read nanopore... (Publications)
detect and track the spread of these clones is crucial for effective malaria control and treatment. However, in endemic settings, malaria infected people often carry multiple P. falciparum clones simultaneously
Clinical trials in low-resource settings: the perspectives of caregivers of paediatric participants from Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya (Publications)
study investigates the experience of caregivers consenting on behalf of paediatric participants in a malaria vaccine clinical trial where participation enables access to free, high-quality medical care. METHODS: [...] interviewed a total of 78 caregivers of paediatric participants previously enrolled in a phase II or III malaria vaccine clinical trial in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya. Interviews were qualitative and analysed using
Detection of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infected <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> using near‑infrared spectroscopy (Publications)
demonstrates proof-of-concept that NIRS is capable of rapidly identifying laboratory strains of human malaria infection in African mosquito vectors. CONCLUSIONS: Accurate, low-cost, reagent-free screening of [...] by NIRS could revolutionize surveillance and elimination strategies for the most important human malaria parasite in its primary African vector species. Further research is needed to evaluate how the method
Vaccination with virosomally formulated recombinant CyRPA elicits protective antibodies against<em> Plasmodium falciparum</em> parasites in... (Publications)
emerged as a promising blood-stage candidate antigen for inclusion into a broadly cross-reactive malaria vaccine. This highly conserved protein among various geographical strains plays a key role in the [...] falciparum merozoites, and antibodies against PfCyRPA can efficiently prevent the entry of the malaria parasites into red blood cells. The aim of the present study was to develop a humancompatible formulation
From magic bullet to magic bomb: reductive bioactivation of antiparasitic agents (Publications)
human cells. Examples are the enzymes of folate synthesis or of the nonmevalonate pathway in the malaria parasites. However, there are other ways how a drug can kill selectively. Of particular relevance [...] the host, as this is how the current frontrunners of parasite chemotherapy work. Artemisinins for malaria, fexinidazole for human African trypanosomiasis, benznidazole for Chagas' disease, metronidazole
Repositioning and characterization of 1-(pyridin-4-yl)pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives as <em>Plasmodium </em>cytoplasmic prolyl-trna synthetase... (Publications)
parasites at a selection pressure of 3 x IC50) constitute unfavorable features for treatment of malaria. However, potent blood stage and antischizontal activity are compelling for causal prophylaxis which [...] Encouraging preliminary off-target profile and oral efficacy in a humanized murine model of Pf malaria allowed us to conclude that 1-(pyridin-4-yl)pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives represent a promising starting
Prevalence and determinants of undernutrition in schoolchildren in the Kilombero district, south-eastern Tanzania (Publications)
wasting, and underweight, while logistic regression analyses examined sociodemographic background, malaria infection, anaemia, anthropometric measures, and dietary diversity score as potential factors. The [...] obesity was 11.8%, 4.3%, 3.9%, 11.1%, and 2.0%, respectively. Overall, 1.5% of the children had malaria, as determined by rapid diagnostic tests, and 0.4% had severe anaemia. Univariate analysis indicated
Acceptability and use of insecticide impregnated bednets in northern Ghana (Publications)
washing soaps could improve protection for young children. The success of the promotion of IIBNs in malaria control programmes will depend on the cost of the package and the time of year that it is delivered [...] the intervention in this study, and it should be included as an important component of national malaria control programmes.
New <em>in vitro</em> interaction-parasite reduction ratio assay for early derisk in clinical development of antimalarial combinations (Publications)
The development and spread of drug-resistant phenotypes substantially threaten malaria control efforts. Combination therapies have the potential to minimize the risk of resistance development but require [...] will significantly improve and streamline the economic development of new drug combinations for malaria and potentially also in other therapeutic areas.
Care seeking and treatment of febrile children with and without danger signs of severe disease in northern Uganda: results from three household... (Publications)
(danger signs) in rural communities are crucial for preventing complications and death from severe malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea. We set out to determine the treatment-seeking practices and treatment patterns [...] of age with an acute febrile illness, with or without danger signs of severe disease, in a highly malaria-endemic area of northern Uganda. Three household surveys were conducted from November through December