The first molecular detection of <em>Aedes albopictus</em> in Sudan associates with increased outbreaks of chikungunya and dengue (Publications)
As part of our surveys of the invasive malaria vector Anopheles stephensi in four Sudanese states, including North and South Kordofan, Sennar, and White Nile, we collected 166 larvae. Our morphological
The influence of physiological status on age prediction of <em>Anopheles arabiensis</em> using near infra-red spectroscopy (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Determining the age of malaria vectors is essential for evaluating the impact of interventions that reduce the survival of wild mosquito populations and for estimating changes in vectorial
Medication exposure during pregnancy: a pilot pharmacovigilance system using health and demographic surveillance platform (Publications)
(AL) was the most used antimalarial for treating illness by nearly 3/4 compared to other groups of malaria drugs. Overall, antimalarial and antibiotic exposures in pregnancy were not significantly associated
Experimental hut evaluation of linalool spatial repellent agar gel against <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> <em>sensu</em> stricto mosquitoes in a... (Publications)
BackgroundMalaria vector control is in need of new tools to face its current challenges such as the spread of pyrethroid-resistance and the increase of outdoor feeding mosquitoes. New strategies such as
Benzo[b]quinolizinium derivatives have a strong antimalarial activity and inhibit indoleamine dioxygenase (Publications)
immunoregulatory or antimicrobial effects. IDO-1 plays a central role in the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria, which is the most severe and often fatal neurological complication of infection with Plasmodium
Field issues related to effectiveness of insecticide-treated nets in Tanzania (Publications)
impregnated with pyrethroid insecticides have become one of the most promising interventions to prevent malaria in highly endemic areas. Despite the large body of experience documenting their health impact and
Preclinical Research in Infection Biology (Page)
ulcer. Involved Units Helminth Drug Development Parasite Chemotherapy Unit Related Topics HIV / AIDS Malaria Helminths Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) Tuberculosis Related Activities Arthropod Testing Facility
Evaluation and forecasting analysis of the association of conditional cash transfer with child mortality in Latin America, 2000-2030 (Publications)
1000 live births), overall and by poverty-related causes (diarrheal, malnutrition, tuberculosis, malaria, lower respiratory tract infections, and HIV/AIDS), and the mortality rates for those younger than
Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of radiation-attenuated and chemo-attenuated PfSPZ vaccines in Equatoguinean adults (Publications)
chemoprophylaxis) have shown vaccine efficacies (VEs) of 100% against homologous controlled human malaria infection (CHMI) in nonimmune adults. Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite-CVac has never been assessed
Population pharmacokinetics of antimalarial naphthoquine in combination with artemisinin in Tanzanian children and adults: dose optimization (Publications)
and children over 5 years of age (6 to 10, 11 to 17, and > /=18 years of age) with uncomplicated malaria in Tanzania. The median weights for the three age groups were 20, 37.5, and 55 kg, respectively.