Geography and health: role of human translocation and access to care (Publications)
human translocation and access to care" document enhanced disease transmission of diseases, such as malaria, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, COVID-19 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome corona 2) and Oropouche
Global Health in the 21st Century (Page)
Roll Back Malaria Working Group on Scalable Malaria Vector Control, the Scientific Advisory Committee for the INDEPTH Network of Demographic and Health Observatories, the WHO African Malaria Expert Committee [...] implementation of the National Malaria Control Programme in Tanzania. Professor Lengeler’s group is currently working to understand and improve access to malaria treatment in malaria-endemic countries, including [...] control of tropical diseases, with a strong focus on malaria. He has...
Unsere Partner | Swiss TPH (Page)
Strategien zur Stärkung der Gesundheitssysteme und zur Bekämpfung von armutsbedingten Krankheiten wie Malaria, Tuberkulose und HIV/Aids. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf chronischen Krankheiten wie Adipositas [...] das Swiss TPH arbeiten seit den 1970er Jahren erfolgreich zusammen, insbesondere in den Bereichen Malaria und Tuberkulose. Das Swiss TPH ist institutionelles Mitglied der Buttressing Coalition, einem Netzwerk [...] CH German Institute for Medical Mission (DIFAM), DE Global Fund to...
Effects of school-based physical activity and multi-micronutrient supplementation intervention on growth, health and well-being of schoolchildren in... (Publications)
micronutrient status, body composition, infections with soil-transmitted helminths, Schistosoma mansoni, malaria, inflammatory and cardiovascular health risk markers, cognitive function, health-related quality
Protecting migratory farmers in rural Tanzania using eave ribbons treated with the spatial mosquito repellent, transfluthrin (Publications)
indoors and outdoors were monitored nightly (18.00-07.00 h) using CDC light traps and CO2-baited BG malaria traps, respectively. The second test compared efficacies of eave ribbons treated with 1.5% or 2.5%
Availability of published evidence on coverage, cost components, and funding support for digitalisation of infectious disease surveillance in Africa,... (Publications)
(IQR: 5-40). Of the 27 projects, 5 (19%) were implemented for HIV/AIDs and tuberculosis, 4 (15%) for malaria, 4 (15%) for all notifiable diseases, and 4 (15%) for One Health. We identified 17 cost components
Optimising HIV spending in 12 eastern European and central Asian countries: a modelling study (Publications)
treatment coverage for people living with HIV. FUNDING: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. TRANSLATION: For the Russian translation of the summary see Supplementary Materials section.
<em>Plasmodium falciparum pfhrp2</em> and <em>pfhrp3</em> gene deletions among patients enrolled at 100 health facilities throughout Tanzania:... (Publications)
deletion surveillance strategy, 100 health facilities encompassing 10 regions of Tanzania enrolled malaria-suspected patients between February and July 2021. Of 7863 persons of all ages enrolled and providing
Causes of hospital admission among people living with HIV worldwide: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Publications)
admission, followed by malnutrition and wasting, haematological disorders, and, in the African region, malaria. Mortality in individuals admitted to hospital was 20% (95% CI 18-23, 12?902 deaths) for adults and
The shape of the iceberg: quantification of submicroscopic <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> and<em> Plasmodium vivax </em>parasitaemia and... (Publications)
of low-density asymptomatic infections with concurrent gametocytes may be a stumbling block for malaria elimination. This study investigated the asymptomatic reservoir of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium