Malaria rapid diagnostic tests reliably detect asymptomatic <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections in school-aged children that are infectious to... (Publications)
this study, malaria rapid diagnostic tests (mRDT), light microscopy (LM) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were used to evaluate their performance detecting asymptomatic malaria infections [...] BACKGROUND: Asymptomatic malaria infections (Plasmodium falciparum) are common in school-aged children and represent a disease transmission reservoir as they are potentially infectious to mosquitoes. To [...] was 31.7% by qPCR, 18.2% by mRDT and 9.4% by LM. Approximately one-third (31.2%)...
Delayed cerebellar ataxia induced by <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria: a rare complication (Publications)
KEY CLINICAL MESSAGE: In endemic areas, malaria-induced cerebellar ataxia should be suspected in patients presenting with neurological disorders including slurred speech, tremors, and a sense of imbalance [...] ions, investigations, and outcomes of a patient developed delayed cerebellar ataxia following a malaria infection: an unusual complication of the disease. This report highlights the diagnostic challenges
Assessing caregivers' perceptions of treatment-seeking for suspected severe malaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria remains a major public health issue in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), accounting for 44% deaths among outpatient visits in children
Testing and treatment for malaria elimination: a systematic review (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Global interest in malaria elimination has prompted research on active test and treat (TaT) strategies. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to assess the effectiveness [...] effectiveness of TaT strategies to reduce malaria transmission. RESULTS: A total of 72 empirical research and 24 modelling studies were identified, mainly focused on proactive mass TaT (MTaT) and reactive case [...] respectively. Ten intervention studies compared MTaT to no MTaT and the...
Risk of imported malaria infections in Zanzibar: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
and the risk of malaria infection, may help to control malaria importation to Zanzibar. METHODS: A rolling cross-sectional survey linked to routine reactive case detection of malaria was carried out in [...] and October 2018. Households of patients diagnosed with malaria at health facilities were surveyed and household members were tested for malaria using rapid diagnostic tests and a sub-sample by quantitative [...] trips within and outside of Zanzibar. We estimated the association of malaria...
Improving malaria home treatment by training drug retailers in rural Kenya (Publications)
Recent global malaria control initiatives highlight the potential role of drug retailers to improve access to early effective malaria treatment. We report on the findings and discuss the implications of [...] of private drug retailers in control strategies aiming to improve prompt effective treatment of malaria
Towards empirical description of malaria seasonality in southern Africa: the example of Zimbabwe (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Quantitative description and mapping of malaria seasonality is important for timely spatial targeting of interventions and for modelling malaria risk. There is a need for seasonality models that [...] use Zimbabwe as an example for developing an empirical map of malaria seasonality. We describe the relationship between seasonality in malaria and environmental covariates for the period 1988--1999, by fitting [...] seasonal trend. We adapt a seasonality concentration index used...
Efficacy and safety of artemether-lumefantrine in the treatment of acute, uncomplicated <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>malaria: a pooled analysis (Publications)
and safety of artemether-lumefantrine (AL) for treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Data from seven studies supported by Novartis (1996-2007), including 647 adults (> 16 years of age
MALVAC 2009: progress and challenges in development of whole organism malaria vaccines for endemic countries, 3-4 June 2009, Dakar, Senegal (Publications)
Research and development into whole organism malaria vaccines is progressing rapidly thanks to the major investments over recent years from several funders, and the commitment and interest of many leading