An affordable, quality-assured community-based system for high-resolution entomological surveillance of vector mosquitoes that reflects human malaria... (Publications)
Y: An intensive and extensive CB system for routine, longitudinal, programmatic surveillance of malaria vectors and other mosquitoes using the Ifakara Tent Trap (ITT-C) was developed in Urban Dar es Salaam [...] surveys using either ITT-C or human landing catches (HLC), as well as a cross-sectional survey of malaria parasite prevalence in the same housing compounds. RESULTS: Community-based ITT-C had much lower
The malaria vaccine epidemiology and evaluation project of Papua New Guinea: rationale and baseline studies (Publications)
possible malaria vaccines, against different species of Plasmodium and various stages in the life cycle of the parasite in both human host and mosquito vector, is reviewed. The importance, in a malaria-endemic [...] The variety of immune responses to malaria is set out and linked to both human and plasmodial genetic factors. Host genetics may also modify susceptibility to malaria through mechanisms which are not i [...] epidemiological evaluation are specified. After this brief review of malaria...
Mass mosquito trapping for malaria control in western Kenya: study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster-randomised trial (Publications)
of malaria threaten the efficacy of existing vector control tools used against malaria mosquitoes. The development of odour-baited mosquito traps has led to the possibility of controlling malaria through [...] mass mosquito trapping could be an effective tool for elimination of malaria. If proven to be effective, this novel approach to malaria control would be a valuable addition to the existing strategies of [...] through mass trapping of malaria vectors. Through daily removal trapping against...
The effect of mass mosquito trapping on malaria transmission and disease burden (SolarMal): a stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial (Publications)
clinical malaria episodes were recorded in intervened clusters and 33 episodes in non-intervened clusters (adjusted effectiveness 40.8% [95% CI -172.8 to 87.1], p=0.5) during the roll-out. Malaria prevalence [...] unexpectedly low clinical incidence of malaria during roll-out led to an imprecise estimate of effectiveness from the clinical incidence data. The substantial effect on malaria prevalence is explained by reduction [...] mosquitoes indoors and outdoors. We assessed the effects of mass...
A crossover study to evaluate the diversion of malaria vectors in a community with incomplete coverage of spatial repellents in the Kilombero Valley,... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria elimination is unlikely to occur if vector control efforts focus entirely on transmission occurring indoors without addressing vectors that bite outdoors and outside sleeping hours [...] Kilombero, Tanzania. The density of resting and blood-engorged mosquitoes and human blood index (HBI) of malaria vector species per household was measured among 90 households using or not using 0.03 % transfluthrin [...] non-users. The repellent coils did not affect An. funestus densities or...
Evaluation of malaria diagnoses using a handheld light microscope in a community-based setting in rural Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Portable microscopy may facilitate quality diagnostic care in resource-constrained settings. We compared a handheld light microscope (Newton Nm1) with a mobile phone attachment to conventional light m
Pregnant women and infants as sentinel populations to monitor prevalence of malaria: results of pilot study in Lake Zone of Tanzania (Publications)
screened for malaria infection using a malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT) from December 2012 to November 2013, regardless of symptoms. Participants who tested positive were treated for malaria per national [...] BACKGROUND: As malaria control interventions are scaled-up, rational approaches are needed for monitoring impact over time. One proposed approach includes monitoring the prevalence of malaria infection among [...] facility (HF) visits. This pilot explored the feasibility and utility of...
Mapping intra-urban malaria risk using high resolution satellite imagery: a case study of Dar es Salaam (Publications)
of malaria in rapidly growing African urban settlements. The complex and heterogeneous nature of urban malaria requires a better understanding of the spatial and temporal patterns of urban malaria risk [...] localized heterogeneity of malaria transmission and develop a high resolution predictive malaria risk map of Dar es Salaam. RESULTS: Results indicate that the risk of malaria infection varied across the [...] settlements by 2030, the burden of malaria among urban populations in Africa...