Diagnostic performance of conventional and ultrasensitive rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in febrile outpatients in Tanzania (Publications)
Background: A novel ultra-sensitive malaria RDT (us-RDT) has been developed for improved active P.falciparum case detection. The utility of this us-RDT in clinical diagnosis and fever management has not [...] infections. Conclusion: There is neither gain nor risk to apply us-RDT rather than co-RDT for clinical malaria diagnosis. In febrile patients, only a small proportion of infections are characterized by parasite
Mosquito repellents for malaria prevention (Review) (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria is an important cause of illness and death across endemic regions. Considerable success against malaria has been achieved within the past decade mainly through long-lasting insecti [...] alone. It is unclear if topical repellents can prevent clinical malaria (RR 0.65, 95% CI 0.4 to 1.07, very low certainty evidence) or malaria infection (RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.64 to 1.12, low-certainty evidence) [...] repellentsTwo cluster-randomized RCTs investigated mosquito coils for malaria...
Antagonistic effects of <em>Plasmodium</em>-helminth co-infections on malaria pathology in different population groups in Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: Plasmodium spp. and helminths are co-endemic in many parts of the tropics; hence, co-infection is a common phenomenon. Interactions between Plasmodium and helminth infections may alter t
Adherence to intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in Papua New Guinean infants: a pharmacological study alongside the randomized controlled... (Publications)
(IPTi) trial that took place in Papua New Guinea showed an overall reduction of 29% of the risk of malaria when delivering single-dose sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) associated to 3 days of amodiaquine (AQ) [...] to discuss the efficacy of the intervention and on feasibility of self-administered preventive malaria treatment. METHODS AND FINDINGS: During the three-arm randomized double-blinded IPTi trial, each [...] studied when discussing the efficacy of the interventions in trials...
Indigenous <em>Plasmodium malariae</em> infection in an endemic population at the Thai-Myanmar border (Publications)
Plasmodium malariae is a neglected malaria parasite. It has wide geographic distribution and, although often associated with mild malaria, is linked to a high burden of anemia and nephrotic syndromes. [...] 2013-June 2014 in which P. malariae infection was detected. Of the 812 study participants, two were found to be infected with P. malariae. One had an infection that led to acute malaria, but the other was positive [...] positive for P. malariae at multiple visits during the study and...
Measuring and characterizing night time human behaviour as it relates to residual malaria transmission in sub-Saharan Africa: a review of the... (Publications)
broad categories: when and where people are exposed to malaria vectors and what people are doing at night that may increase their contact with malaria vectors. Among studies that quantified human-vector [...] BACKGROUND: Malaria cases and deaths decreased dramatically in recent years, largely due to effective vector control interventions. Persistence of transmission after good coverage has been achieved with [...] , namely insecticide-treated nets or indoor residual spraying, poses a...
Performance of antigen concentration thresholds for attributing fever to malaria among outpatients in Angola (Publications)
The density of malaria parasites is a key determinant in whether or not an infected individual develops fever. While the pyrogenic threshold for malaria parasite density has been well-studied, there is [...] latent-class modeling to attribute malaria etiology to the fevers and to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of different antigen thresholds for detecting malaria fevers. Amongst patients positive [...] febrile HRP2+ patients compared to afebrile HRP2+ patients. When considering HRP2...
Global fund financing to the 34 malaria-eliminating countries under the new funding model 2014-2017: an analysis of national allocations and regional... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM) has been the largest financial supporter of malaria since 2002. In 2011, the GFATM transitioned to a new funding model (NFM) [...] NFM to the 34 malaria-eliminating countries. METHODS: Average annual disbursements under the old funding model were compared to average annual national allocations for all eligible 34 malaria-eliminating [...] funding declines for malaria investments in low transmission countries, the GFATM...