Open Malaria : a simulator program for studying malaria epidemiology and the impacts of interventions against malaria [Software] (Publications)
OpenMalaria is an open source C++ program for simulating malaria epidemiology and the impacts on that epidemiology of interventions against malaria. It is based on microsimulations of
Open Malaria : a simulator program for studying malaria epidemiology and the impacts of interventions against malaria [Software] (Publications)
OpenMalaria is an open source C++ program for simulating malaria epidemiology and the impacts on that epidemiology of interventions against malaria. It is based on microsimulations of
Accelerating the Fight against Malaria - World Malaria Day 2024 (Page)
burden. Global malaria community in Kigali Today’s World Malaria Day aims to accelerate the fight and work together toward a malaria-free world. This week also brings together the global malaria community for [...] on topics ranging from malaria drug development, malaria genomics, drug resistance, capacity strengthening, strategic malaria planning, the impact of climate change on malaria, community-based biolarviciding [...] Accelerating the Fight against Malaria - World Malaria Day 2024...
Malaria standby emergency treatment (SBET) for travelers visiting malaria endemic areas: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Publications)
Malaria prevention methods for travelers to low or moderate malaria risk areas varies and remains controversial. Standby Emergency Treatment (SBET) for malaria is one possible strategy increasingly recommended [...] proportion carrying SBET, the response to fever (use of SBET, health facility attendance, use of malaria rapid diagnostic test [mRDT]), adverse events to SBET, and the proportion using SBET incorrectly [...] current SBET strategy should be considered, such as better selection of...