Influence of exposure assessment methods on associations between long-term exposure to outdoor fine particulate matter and risk of cancer in the... (Publications)
consistent, possibly because of the diversity of methods used to assess exposure. OBJECTIVES: To investigate how using different PM2.5 exposure assessment methods influences risk estimates in the large [...] associations for all-sites cancer (3711 cases), with a first slope of HRs of 1.53 (1.24-1.88) and 1.43 (1.19-1.73) for one IQR increase of cumulative PM2.5 exposure for the LUR and the Gazel-Air models r [...] series > /=20-years annual concentrations. Spearman correlation coefficient...
The influence of zinc supplementation on morbidity due to <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>: a randomized trial in preschool children in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
determine the influence of zinc on malaria morbidity we conducted a randomized placebo-controlled trial of daily zinc supplementation in children residing in a malaria endemic region of Papua New Guinea [...] by surveillance of cases self-reporting to a local health center. Cross-sectional surveys were conducted at the beginning, middle, and end of the study to assess infection rates, parasite density, spleen [...] > or = 100,000/microl were reduced by 69% (95% CI 25-87, P = 0.009). There was no...
Time of exposure and assessment influence the mortality induced by insecticides against metabolic resistant mosquitoes (Publications)
follows a circadian rhythm. Thus, this study assessed (i) influence of the time of day of mosquito exposure and (ii) timing of assessment of mortality post exposure (24 and 72 h) to ITNs against vectors [...] to DM ITNs. Each net piece was tested with a minimum of eight cones per time (N = 24). The outcome was mortality after 24 h (M24) or 72 h (M72) of holding. RESULTS: The cone bioassays performed using metabolic [...] BACKGROUND: Increasing metabolic resistance in malaria vector mosquitoes...
Temperature, mosquito feeding status and mosquito density influence the measured bio-efficacy of insecticide-treated nets in cone assays (Publications)
ITNs was recorded. RESULTS: There was a notable influence of temperature, feeding status and mosquito density on An. funestus mortality for both types of ITNs. Mortality at 24 h post-exposure was significantly [...] cone bioassay is routinely used to evaluate the bioefficacy of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) for product pre-qualification and confirmation of continued ITN performance during operational monitoring. Despite [...] Despite its standardized nature, variability is often observed...
How does membership in local savings groups influence the determinants of national health insurance demand? A cross-sectional study in Kisumu, Kenya (Publications)
risk. In light of the Kenya's National Hospital Insurance Fund's (NHIF's) strategy of targeting ROSCAs for membership enrolment, this study sought to estimate how ROSCA membership influences the determinants [...] determinants of voluntary health insurance enrolment. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of 444 households was carried out in Kisumu City between July and August 2016. A structured questionnaire was administered [...] household attributes, headship characteristics and health-seeking...
Influence of acute physical activity on stress reactivity in obese and normal weight children: a randomized controlled trial (Publications)
Physical activity (PA) may influence acute stress reactivity in children differently depending on their weight. This randomized controlled trial investigated the impact of acute PA and of BMI status (overweight/obese [...] 04). Cortisol increased in the SED, but not in the PA arm (p = 0.004 for differences in time course) of NW children. Time course did not differ between both arms in OW/OB children (p = 0.7). OW/OB SED children