Physical Activity (Page)
physical activity of children living in Switzerland and abroad. On the other hand, scientists focus on the influence of physical activity on the development of chronic or infectious disease as well as on [...] psychosocial health of schoolchildren in South Africa. Apart from a general assessment of communicable and non-communicable diseases, the health specialists analysed the impact of key interventions such [...] one of the most important lifestyle factors influencing human health. Health...
FarmCo Uganda (Page)
no conflict of interest, and the study is free from external influences, including intellectual, financial, or proprietary agendas. This commitment ensures the independence and reliability of our research [...] l Risks, Health and Well-Being of Coffee Farmers in Mbale Region Study aim This study aims to investigate the self-reported physical and mental health and well-being of conventional and organic smallholder [...] in studies comparing the health of organic versus conventional farmers in...
Epidemiology and Viral Evolution | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
on Nextstrain, the research will facilitate real-time tracking of NP-EV evolution and spread. By addressing key gaps in our understanding of NP-EVs, this project will help improve preparedness for potential [...] responses. Molecular Epidemiology and Antigenic Evolution of Seasonal Human Coronaviruses This project investigates the persistence and evolution of seasonal human coronaviruses (HCoVs) by exploring their [...] investigating the genetic diversity and recombination dynamics of...
Winter Symposium 2017 (Page)
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK 15:30 ICE Health Promotion for Helminth Control, Giovanna Raso, Swiss TPH 15:50 Elimination of Urogenital Schistosomiasis in Zanzibar: Results of a 5-Year Multi [...] Tanzanian Adults, Claudia Daubenberger, Swiss TPH 10:00 Influence of Helminths on Cognition and Physical Activity, Markus Gerber, University of Basel 10:20 Coffee Break Session 6 – Helminth Transmission [...] and discuss progress in research, control, elimination and eradication of helminth...
A Narrowing Window for Change: Experts Call for Global Climate Action (News)
Europe, assessing the influences of heat waves on mortality, monitoring the spread of the Asian Tiger Mosquito in the southern part of Switzerland or establishing risk profiles of African communities affected [...] structure of communities, a global team of authors compiled the impacts of a changing climate on health, well-being and migration and conflict. Authors described the observed and projected future risks of climate [...] and Head of the Ecosystem Health Sciences Unit at Swiss TPH, was...
Exposome Research to Improve People’s Health in Urban Settings (News)
diseases cause more than half of all deaths across Europe. Respiratory diseases are a leading cause of death and disability and account for roughly 8.2% of all deaths in Europe. Of the six WHO regions, Europe [...] which is the sum of all non-genetic drivers of health and disease, and evaluating interventions aimed at reducing the impact of the urban exposome on people’s health. The University of Utrecht coordinates [...] represent 106 million EUR of funding from the EU over a 5-year period. The...
speaking part of Switzerland). The study is supported by the Federal Office of Sport FOSPO, the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH and Health Promotion Switzerland. Results - Final Report of the SOPHYA-Study [...] devices. In addition, the simultaneous assessment of objectively measured physical activity levels in one or both parents allowed analysing the influence of the familial environment on physical activity in [...] the coordinates of the children’s address. In 2019/2020 the SOPHYA...
Systems Thinking Tools (Page)
process of laying out all the stakeholders of a product, project, or idea on one map. The main benefit of a stakeholder map is to get a visual representation of all the people who can influence your project [...] 17/ Effectiveness Decay The concept describes the achievement of “effective coverage” of an intervention to the conditional probability of its successive events. System factors are considered (e.g beginning [...] gov/pmc/articles/PMC4056198/pdf/AJPH.2014.301884.pdf Theory of Change...
Climate Change (Page)
pathogens: the effects of climate change are manifold. Swiss TPH experts study the health impact of climate change in various regions in Africa and Europe. They assess the influences of heat waves on mortality [...] the spread of the tiger mosquito in the southern part of Switzerland or establish risk profiles of African communities affected by heavy flooding with a particular attention to vulnerability of water and [...] negatively impact health and well-being in all countries of the world. It...
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Refresher Course | Swiss TPH Courses (Page)
requirements of Swissethics. The course summarizes the most important elements of the ICH E6(R2) GCP guideline and will cover selected elements of the conduct of clinical research in the form of a quiz and [...] refresh the knowledge of the principles and content of international guidelines for clinical research (Declaration of Helsinki, ICH-GCP) and their influence on the Swiss legislation (HFG/HRA, VKlin/ClinO [...] designs of clinical trials, the prevention of bias and the basic principles of...