Transition bias influences the evolution of antibiotic resistance in <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> (Publications)
an overabundance of transitions relative to transversions, has been widely reported among studies of the rates and spectra of spontaneous mutations. However, demonstrating the role of transition bias in [...] antibiotic-resistance mutations. This was true at the level of mutational paths (distinct adaptive DNA sequence changes) and events (individual instances of the adaptive DNA sequence changes) and across different [...] evolution remains challenging. In particular, it is unclear whether such...
Influence of MMR-vaccinations and diseases on atopic sensitization and allergic symptoms in Swiss schoolchildren (Publications)
infections in infancy or through the direct IgE-inducing effects of the vaccines. Evidence for a potential role of immunizations in the development of allergic disease is scarce. Therefore the objective was to [...] The prevalence of asthma and allergic disease has increased in many countries. It has been proposed that vaccinations may contribute to the development of allergic disease by reducing clinical infections [...] across Switzerland was organized in the framework of an environmental...
The influence of human interaction on guinea pigs: behavioral and thermographic changes during animal-assisted therapy (Publications)
little knowledge about the effects of human contact on guinea pigs involved in AAT. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of availability of a retreat, presence of conspecifics, prior experience [...] with AAT, and human interaction on indicators of welfare in guinea pigs involved in AAT. Guinea pigs of both sexes and different ages (n=20) were assigned to a randomized, controlled within-subject trial [...] (III) therapy without retreat. The percentage of time a guinea pig was petted...
Influences of animal-assisted therapy on episodic memory in patients with acquired brain injuries (Publications)
animals. We also analyzed interviews of six of these patients with qualitative content analysis according to Mayring. Patients remembered therapy sessions in the presence of an animal significantly better and [...] neurorehabilitation. However, no studies investigate long-term effects of AAT in patients with acquired brain injuries. Therefore, the aim of this pilot study was to investigate if and how AAT affects long-term [...] Qualitative data analysis resulted in a total of 23 categories. The...
Influence of nutrition on infection and re-infection with soil-transmitted helminths: a systematic review (Publications)
is complex and warrants further investigation. We conducted a systematic review examining the influence of nutrition on infection and re-infection with soil-transmitted helminths (i.e. Ascaris lumbricoides [...] We searched eight electronic databases from inception to 31 July 2013, with no restriction of language or type of publication. For studies that met our inclusion criteria, we extracted information on the [...] Outcomes were presented in forest plots and a summary of findings (SoF) table....
Influence of <em>M. tuberculosis</em> lineage variability within a clinical trial for pulmonary tuberculosis (Publications)
polymorphisms and single nucleotide polymorphisms were analyzed to determine lineage and sublineage of isolates. Of 306 isolates genotyped, 246 (80.4%) belonged to the Euro-American lineage, with sublineage 724 [...] interact to impact how active tuberculosis presents clinically. We determined the phylogenetic lineages of M. tuberculosis isolates from participants enrolled in the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium Study 28 [...] can strains other than 724 predominating at non-African sites (89/114,...