Time of exposure and assessment influence the mortality induced by insecticides against metabolic resistant mosquitoes (Publications)
follows a circadian rhythm. Thus, this study assessed (i) influence of the time of day of mosquito exposure and (ii) timing of assessment of mortality post exposure (24 and 72 h) to ITNs against vectors [...] to DM ITNs. Each net piece was tested with a minimum of eight cones per time (N = 24). The outcome was mortality after 24 h (M24) or 72 h (M72) of holding. RESULTS: The cone bioassays performed using metabolic [...] BACKGROUND: Increasing metabolic resistance in malaria vector mosquitoes...
Temperature, mosquito feeding status and mosquito density influence the measured bio-efficacy of insecticide-treated nets in cone assays (Publications)
ITNs was recorded. RESULTS: There was a notable influence of temperature, feeding status and mosquito density on An. funestus mortality for both types of ITNs. Mortality at 24 h post-exposure was significantly [...] cone bioassay is routinely used to evaluate the bioefficacy of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) for product pre-qualification and confirmation of continued ITN performance during operational monitoring. Despite [...] Despite its standardized nature, variability is often observed...
Influences of animal-assisted therapy on episodic memory in patients with acquired brain injuries (Publications)
animals. We also analyzed interviews of six of these patients with qualitative content analysis according to Mayring. Patients remembered therapy sessions in the presence of an animal significantly better and [...] neurorehabilitation. However, no studies investigate long-term effects of AAT in patients with acquired brain injuries. Therefore, the aim of this pilot study was to investigate if and how AAT affects long-term [...] Qualitative data analysis resulted in a total of 23 categories. The...
Maternal and newborn healthcare providers in rural Tanzania: in-depth interviews exploring influences on motivation, performance and job satisfaction (Publications)
35% of the required workforce is actually in place and 43% of available staff consists of lower-level cadres such as auxiliaries. Staff motivation is also a challenge. In rural areas the problems of recruiting [...] Yet, it is here that the majority of the population continues to reside. A detailed understanding of the influences on the motivation, performance and job satisfaction of providers at rural, primary level [...] being fair or low. However, all types of providers derived quite a strong...
Maternal and newborn healthcare providers in rural Tanzania: in-depth interviews exploring influences on motivation, performance and job satisfaction (Publications)
35% of the required workforce is actually in place and 43% of available staff consists of lower-level cadres such as auxiliaries. Staff motivation is also a challenge. In rural areas the problems of recruiting [...] Yet, it is here that the majority of the population continues to reside. A detailed understanding of the influences on the motivation, performance and job satisfaction of providers at rural, primary level [...] being fair or low. However, all types of providers derived quite a strong...
Clean home-delivery in rural southern Tanzania: barriers, influencers, and facilitators (Publications)
discussed in terms of being important for newborn's health, with few women giving reasons for this behaviour. The lack of handwashing and wearing of gloves was most commonly linked to the lack of water, gloves [...] common practice was the insertion of any family member's hands into the vagina of delivering woman to check labour progress before calling the birth attendant. The use of a new razor blade to cut the cord [...] the vagina of delivering woman before calling the birth attendant, the...
Clean home-delivery in rural southern Tanzania: barriers, influencers, and facilitators (Publications)
discussed in terms of being important for newborn's health, with few women giving reasons for this behaviour. The lack of handwashing and wearing of gloves was most commonly linked to the lack of water, gloves [...] common practice was the insertion of any family member's hands into the vagina of delivering woman to check labour progress before calling the birth attendant. The use of a new razor blade to cut the cord [...] the vagina of delivering woman before calling the birth attendant, the...
Spiritual and religious aspects influence mental health and viral load: a quantitative study among young people living with HIV in Zimbabwe (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: The role of religion and spirituality as social determinants of health has been widely discussed. Studies among people living with HIV describe positive and negative influences of religion and s [...] measure the influence of religion and spirituality on the health outcomes of young people living with HIV in Zimbabwe. METHODS: A quantitative questionnaire with three different validated measures of religion [...] proved to be a reliable indicator of higher viral loads, risk for...
Spiritual and religious aspects influence mental health and viral load: a quantitative study among young people living with HIV in Zimbabwe (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: The role of religion and spirituality as social determinants of health has been widely discussed. Studies among people living with HIV describe positive and negative influences of religion and s [...] measure the influence of religion and spirituality on the health outcomes of young people living with HIV in Zimbabwe. METHODS: A quantitative questionnaire with three different validated measures of religion [...] proved to be a reliable indicator of higher viral loads, risk for...
Do baby-friendly hospitals influence breastfeeding duration on a national level? (Publications)
study reports results of a national study of the prevalence and duration of breastfeeding in 2003 throughout Switzerland and analyzes the influence of compliance with UNICEF guidelines of the hospital where [...] hospitals) or in a health facility in the process of being evaluated for BFHI inclusion (31 facilities), we were able to assess a possible influence of the BFHI on breastfeeding success. For this purpose [...] weeks in 1994, and the median duration of full breastfeeding was 17 weeks,...