Distribution of survival times of deliberate <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections in tertiary syphilis patients (Publications)
Survival time data of Plasmodium falciparum infections from deliberate infection of human subjects with P. falciparum between 1940 and 1963 as a treatment for neurosyphilis in the USA (Georgia) have been [...] result has important implications for mathematical modelling of malaria, which has for the past century exclusively assumed that the duration of malaria infections has an exponential distribution. It is desirable [...] desirable to know the correct distribution because its shape profoundly...
Investigation of sources of fluorinated compounds in private water supplies in an oil and gas-producing region of Northern West Virginia (Publications)
Tyler, and Wetzel Counties of northern West Virginia and investigated relationships between potential PFAS sources and drinking water receptors. All surface water samples and 60% of the water wells sampled [...] levels of at least one targeted PFAS compound, and four wells (8%) had concentrations above the proposed maximum contaminant level (MCL) for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Individual concentrations of PFOA [...] concentrations of emergent PFAS that were potentially higher than targeted...
Investigation of sources of fluorinated compounds in private water supplies in an oil and gas-producing region of Northern West Virginia (Publications)
Tyler, and Wetzel Counties of northern West Virginia and investigated relationships between potential PFAS sources and drinking water receptors. All surface water samples and 60% of the water wells sampled [...] levels of at least one targeted PFAS compound, and four wells (8%) had concentrations above the proposed maximum contaminant level (MCL) for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Individual concentrations of PFOA [...] concentrations of emergent PFAS that were potentially higher than targeted...
Health providers' response to female adolescent survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and demand side barriers in the utilization of support... (Publications)
survivors of SGBV. There is also a lack of skills among health service providers that have negative influence on support services to survivors of SGBV. On the demand side, poor knowledge of possible health [...] great challenge for survivors of SGBV to access services. Some of these include non-existing counseling services, a lack of rehabilitation centers, poor referral, and a lack of training for health providers [...] Survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) are often hindered in...
Evaluation of banked urine samples for the detection of circulating anodic and cathodic antigens in <em>Schistosoma mekongi </em>and <em>S. japonicum... (Publications)
not allow the evaluation of larger volumes, which conceivably should deliver considerably higher readings. The sensitivity of a single urine POC-CCA was in the same order as that of a single Kato-Katz thick [...] while the sensitivity approached that of triplicate Kato-Katz when a combination of both CAA and CCA assays was used. The promising results from the current proof-of-concept call for larger studies that [...] factors, such as practicallity, time-efficiency and cost-effectiveness, since...
Evaluation of banked urine samples for the detection of circulating anodic and cathodic antigens in <em>Schistosoma mekongi </em>and <em>S. japonicum... (Publications)
not allow the evaluation of larger volumes, which conceivably should deliver considerably higher readings. The sensitivity of a single urine POC-CCA was in the same order as that of a single Kato-Katz thick [...] while the sensitivity approached that of triplicate Kato-Katz when a combination of both CAA and CCA assays was used. The promising results from the current proof-of-concept call for larger studies that [...] factors, such as practicallity, time-efficiency and cost-effectiveness, since...
Health providers' response to female adolescent survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and demand side barriers in the utilization of support... (Publications)
survivors of SGBV. There is also a lack of skills among health service providers that have negative influence on support services to survivors of SGBV. On the demand side, poor knowledge of possible health [...] great challenge for survivors of SGBV to access services. Some of these include non-existing counseling services, a lack of rehabilitation centers, poor referral, and a lack of training for health providers [...] Survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) are often hindered in...
Temperature-related overestimation of energy expenditure, based on heart-rate monitoring in obese boys (Publications)
times of outdoor activities, measurements of HR were corrected for the influence of ambient temperature ( T) using the aforementioned equation. Time spent outdoors was 196.7 (21.1) min/day at a T of 17-34 [...] 8 (3.5)% of EE during outdoor activities, which resulted in a 2.9 (2.7)% overestimate of EE during daily waking hours and a 1.9 (1.8)% overestimate of the total 24-h EE. Thus, the influence of temperature [...] reported overestimate of EE calculated using the HR/oxygen consumption...
Temperature-related overestimation of energy expenditure, based on heart-rate monitoring in obese boys (Publications)
times of outdoor activities, measurements of HR were corrected for the influence of ambient temperature ( T) using the aforementioned equation. Time spent outdoors was 196.7 (21.1) min/day at a T of 17-34 [...] 8 (3.5)% of EE during outdoor activities, which resulted in a 2.9 (2.7)% overestimate of EE during daily waking hours and a 1.9 (1.8)% overestimate of the total 24-h EE. Thus, the influence of temperature [...] reported overestimate of EE calculated using the HR/oxygen consumption...
Impact of bacterial genetics on the transmission of isoniazid-resistant <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> (Publications)
other mutations. The impact of these mutations on the transmission of isoniazid-resistant strains was comparable to the effect of other clinical determinants of transmission. Associations were apparent between [...] Understanding the ecology of drug-resistant pathogens is essential for devising rational programs to preserve the effective lifespan of antimicrobial agents and to abrogate epidemics of drug-resistant organisms [...] important determinant of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium...