Temperature-related overestimation of energy expenditure, based on heart-rate monitoring in obese boys (Publications)
times of outdoor activities, measurements of HR were corrected for the influence of ambient temperature ( T) using the aforementioned equation. Time spent outdoors was 196.7 (21.1) min/day at a T of 17-34 [...] 8 (3.5)% of EE during outdoor activities, which resulted in a 2.9 (2.7)% overestimate of EE during daily waking hours and a 1.9 (1.8)% overestimate of the total 24-h EE. Thus, the influence of temperature [...] reported overestimate of EE calculated using the HR/oxygen consumption...
Earthquake awareness and perception of risk among the residents of Istanbul (Publications)
perception about earthquakes among residents of Istanbul. A field survey was carried out, and a total of 1,123 people were interviewed in two districts of Istanbul with different seismic risk levels and [...] and socio-economic levels. The media were the leading source of information among the respondents. Location of the home was a strong influence on individuals having above average earthquake knowledge and [...] Awareness and perception of risk are among the most crucial steps in the process ...
Videographic analysis of flight behaviours of host-seeking <em>Anopheles arabiensis</em> towards BG-Malaria trap (Publications)
attractants all influence mosquito activity in vicinity of the traps which can be readily visualized using infrared cameras to accelerate trap development and testing. The greater activity of host-seeking [...] an adaptation of the well-known BG-Sentinel trap (BGS) with greater trapping efficiencies for anopheline and culicine mosquitoes. Its continued optimization requires greater understanding of mosquito flight [...] ution infrared cameras (68 frames/second) to track flight behaviors of...
Effects of adult body size on fecundity and the pre-gravid rate of <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> females in Tanzania (Publications)
number of mature eggs in those mosquitoes which became gravid was counted. Virgin females were fed and kept for egg maturation in the laboratory. Wing-length of females was measured as an index of mosquito [...] The influence of adult body size on the pre-gravid state and fecundity was studied in Anopheles gambiae Giles females hand-caught inside houses and virgin females collected as pupae in Tanzania. Blood-fed [...] gambiae population was found to be 21% and, of these, 66% had been...
Factors impacting on length of stay and mortality of community-acquired pneumonia (Publications)
was performed to identify factors influencing hospital length of stay (LOS) and mortality of patients (n = 3233) admitted to hospital because of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Pneumonia severity index [...] establishment of an aetiological diagnosis were linked to reduced late and global mortality. These data suggest that early mortality associated with CAP is highly dependent on the clinical status of the patient [...] aetiological diagnosis and compliance with appropriate therapeutic...
Effects of adult body size on fecundity and the pre-gravid rate of <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> females in Tanzania (Publications)
number of mature eggs in those mosquitoes which became gravid was counted. Virgin females were fed and kept for egg maturation in the laboratory. Wing-length of females was measured as an index of mosquito [...] The influence of adult body size on the pre-gravid state and fecundity was studied in Anopheles gambiae Giles females hand-caught inside houses and virgin females collected as pupae in Tanzania. Blood-fed [...] gambiae population was found to be 21% and, of these, 66% had been...
Factors impacting on length of stay and mortality of community-acquired pneumonia (Publications)
was performed to identify factors influencing hospital length of stay (LOS) and mortality of patients (n = 3233) admitted to hospital because of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Pneumonia severity index [...] establishment of an aetiological diagnosis were linked to reduced late and global mortality. These data suggest that early mortality associated with CAP is highly dependent on the clinical status of the patient [...] aetiological diagnosis and compliance with appropriate therapeutic...
Earthquake awareness and perception of risk among the residents of Istanbul (Publications)
perception about earthquakes among residents of Istanbul. A field survey was carried out, and a total of 1,123 people were interviewed in two districts of Istanbul with different seismic risk levels and [...] and socio-economic levels. The media were the leading source of information among the respondents. Location of the home was a strong influence on individuals having above average earthquake knowledge and [...] Awareness and perception of risk are among the most crucial steps in the process ...
Videographic analysis of flight behaviours of host-seeking <em>Anopheles arabiensis</em> towards BG-Malaria trap (Publications)
attractants all influence mosquito activity in vicinity of the traps which can be readily visualized using infrared cameras to accelerate trap development and testing. The greater activity of host-seeking [...] an adaptation of the well-known BG-Sentinel trap (BGS) with greater trapping efficiencies for anopheline and culicine mosquitoes. Its continued optimization requires greater understanding of mosquito flight [...] ution infrared cameras (68 frames/second) to track flight behaviors of...
Structural forces and the production of TB-related stigma among Haitians in two contexts (Publications)
underscored the importance of better understanding the structural underpinnings of stigma processes. This study investigated the influence of sociocultural context on perceived components of tuberculosis-related [...] highlight the influence of political and economic factors in shaping the meaning and experience of illness. Perceived components of TB stigma among Haitians in South Florida incorporated aspects of Haitian identity [...] co-infection. Discussion of findings focuses on the social...