Clinical trials in low-resource settings: the perspectives of caregivers of paediatric participants from Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya (Publications)
the setting and contextual factors which influence the decision process is necessary. This study investigates the experience of caregivers consenting on behalf of paediatric participants in a malaria vaccine [...] participation enables access to free, high-quality medical care. METHODS: We interviewed a total of 78 caregivers of paediatric participants previously enrolled in a phase II or III malaria vaccine clinical trial [...] focusing on the embodied caregiver in the political, economic and...
Pregnant women and infants as sentinel populations to monitor prevalence of malaria: results of pilot study in Lake Zone of Tanzania (Publications)
the prevalence of malaria infection among pregnant women and children at the time of routine preventive health facility (HF) visits. This pilot explored the feasibility and utility of tracking the prevalence [...] routine care offer an advantage as they are unaffected by the prevalence of other causes of febrile illness, which could influence positivity rates among febrile patients presenting to outpatient clinics [...] prevalence of malaria infection in pregnant women attending their first...
Lack of effects of the presence of a dog on pain perception in healthy participants - a randomized controlled trial (Publications)
measurements of heat-pain tolerance and the heat-pain threshold and of the corresponding subjective ratings of heat-pain intensity and unpleasantness as well as of participants' perceptions of the study [...] support. Further, the presence of an animal can strengthen the therapeutic alliance between patients and treatment providers. This suggests that the analgesic effects of AAI might be mediated by social [...] the patient and the treatment provider. To test these assumptions, we examined the...
Three-year rates of reoperation and revision following mobile versus fixed-bearing total ankle arthroplasty: a cohort of 302 patients with 2 implants... (Publications)
evaluating the influence of this mobility difference on implant survival is sparse. The purpose of the present study was therefore to compare the short-term survival of 2 implants of similar design from [...] comparison of 2 implants of similar design from the same manufacturer, the present study supports the use of a fixed-bearing design in terms of short-term failure. We found a 3-times higher rate of revision [...] revision of any metal component, and revision of any component, including the...
Pregnant women and infants as sentinel populations to monitor prevalence of malaria: results of pilot study in Lake Zone of Tanzania (Publications)
the prevalence of malaria infection among pregnant women and children at the time of routine preventive health facility (HF) visits. This pilot explored the feasibility and utility of tracking the prevalence [...] routine care offer an advantage as they are unaffected by the prevalence of other causes of febrile illness, which could influence positivity rates among febrile patients presenting to outpatient clinics [...] prevalence of malaria infection in pregnant women attending their first...
Lack of effects of the presence of a dog on pain perception in healthy participants - a randomized controlled trial (Publications)
measurements of heat-pain tolerance and the heat-pain threshold and of the corresponding subjective ratings of heat-pain intensity and unpleasantness as well as of participants' perceptions of the study [...] support. Further, the presence of an animal can strengthen the therapeutic alliance between patients and treatment providers. This suggests that the analgesic effects of AAI might be mediated by social [...] the patient and the treatment provider. To test these assumptions, we examined the...
Three-year rates of reoperation and revision following mobile versus fixed-bearing total ankle arthroplasty: a cohort of 302 patients with 2 implants... (Publications)
evaluating the influence of this mobility difference on implant survival is sparse. The purpose of the present study was therefore to compare the short-term survival of 2 implants of similar design from [...] comparison of 2 implants of similar design from the same manufacturer, the present study supports the use of a fixed-bearing design in terms of short-term failure. We found a 3-times higher rate of revision [...] revision of any metal component, and revision of any component, including the...
A prospective study of the impact of air pollution on respiratory symptoms and infections in infants (Publications)
association of air pollution with frequency and severity of respiratory symptoms and infections measured weekly in healthy infants. Methods: In a prospective birth cohort of 366 infants of unselected mothers [...] during the first year of life (19,106 total observations). Daily mean levels of PM10, NO2 and O3 were obtained from local monitoring stations. We determined the association of the preceding week's pollutant [...] function. During times of elevated PM10 (> 33.3 microg/m(3)), duration o...
Development and validation of an enantioselective LM-MS/MS method for the analysis of the anthelmintic drug praziquantel and its main metabolite in... (Publications)
Praziquantel (PZQ) is the treatment of choice against various trematode and cestode infections. To study the pharmacokinetics of PZQ in patients infected with the liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini, we [...] The analytes were stable in stock solutions as well as in plasma, blood and DBS. For DBS, the influences of hematocrit and blood spot size were considered as minor. Our validation results show that the [...] enantioselective liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry method...
Spatio-temporal analysis of leprosy risks in a municipality in the state of Mato Grosso-Brazilian Amazon: results from the leprosy post-exposure... (Publications)
distribution of index cases (IC) and co-prevalent cases among contacts of leprosy patients (CP) over the course of the LPEP program in one of the four study areas in Brazil, namely the municipality of Alta Floresta [...] or 304 new cases, of which 55 were CP cases among the 2076 examined contacts. Changes over time were observed in the geographic distribution of cases. The highest concentration of cases was observed in [...] distribution was partly explained by poverty indicators. LPEP influenc...