The spatial distribution of <em>Schistosoma mansoni</em> infection in four regions of western Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
regions of western Côte d'Ivoire; ii) to determine demographic, climatic and environmental factors that influence the distribution of S. mansoni; and iii) to map and predict the distribution of S. mansoni [...] Africa and a sound understanding of the spatial distribution facilitates to better target control interventions. The objectives of this study were i) to assess the prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni among s [...] least one Kato-Katz thick smear. The observed overall prevalence of S....
"It is difficult for us to treat their pain": health professionals' perceptions of Somali pastoralists in the context of pain management: a conceptual... (Publications)
professionals' perceptions of pain-related care for Somali pastoralists. This study seeks to understand health professionals' perceptions of Somali pastoralists in the context of pain management in Eastern [...] Pain is one of the most neglected areas of care in sub-Saharan Africa. Access to adequate pain management is important, especially in marginalised populations, such as pastoralists. Little is known about [...] model of pastoralist-specific pain management. We gave voice to pastoralists...
Pharmacokinetics of ascending doses of ivermectin in <em>Trichuris trichiura</em>-infected children aged 2-12 years (Publications)
treatment arms. CONCLUSIONS: A positive association of AUC or Cmax with dose was observed in both age groups. Undernutrition might influence the AUC of ivermectin in PSAC. Ivermectin shows a lower exposure [...] in changes in pharmacokinetics. However, paediatric pharmacokinetic data of ivermectin are lacking. METHODS: In the framework of a randomized controlled dose-finding trial in rural Cote d'Ivoire, Trichuris [...] BACKGROUND: Yearly, millions of children are treated globally with...
Workplace support and breastfeeding duration: the mediating effect of breastfeeding intention and self-efficacy (Publications)
directly influences the working mothers' breastfeeding intention, self-efficacy, and duration, and (b) workplace support indirectly influences breastfeeding duration through the mediating effect of breastfeeding [...] BACKGROUND: Given the large proportion of mothers in the United States work force, understanding the implications of workplace support on breastfeeding outcomes is an important public health priority. [...] significant indirect effect of workplace support on breastfeeding duration...
Workplace support and breastfeeding duration: the mediating effect of breastfeeding intention and self-efficacy (Publications)
directly influences the working mothers' breastfeeding intention, self-efficacy, and duration, and (b) workplace support indirectly influences breastfeeding duration through the mediating effect of breastfeeding [...] BACKGROUND: Given the large proportion of mothers in the United States work force, understanding the implications of workplace support on breastfeeding outcomes is an important public health priority. [...] significant indirect effect of workplace support on breastfeeding duration...
Re-evaluating our knowledge of health system resilience during COVID-19: lessons from the first two years of the pandemic (Publications)
framework: (i) What do we understand about the dimensions of resilience? (ii) What aspects of the resilience dimensions remain uncertain? (iii) What aspects of the resilience dimensions are missing from the COVID-19 [...] following the pandemic. The eventual consequences of system changes and the resilience of subsystems are underexplored. Through governance, the concept of health system resilience can be linked to wider [...] resilience in relation to COVID-19, excluding articles on...
Perspective of asylum-seeking caregivers on the quality of care provided by a Swiss paediatric hospital: a qualitative study (Publications)
the perspective of asylum-seeking caregivers on the quality of healthcare delivered to their children in a qualitative in-depth interview study. The health of asylum-seeking children is of key interest for [...] satisfaction of healthcare delivery: a respectful and trusting caregiver-provider relationship, the presence of interpreters and immediate availability of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: A mismatch of personal c [...] Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research. The number of interviews was...
The effects of medicines availability and stock-outs on household's utilization of healthcare services in Dodoma region, Tanzania (Publications)
address shortages of medicines. However, data are lacking on how medicine availability and stock-outs influence access to health services in Tanzania. The current study assesses the effects of medicine availability [...] generally, and these were continuously available in approximately 70% of the time in facilities across all districts over 3 months of review. The main analysis showed that household's healthcare utilization [...] cross-sectional study that combined information from households...
A good night's sleep and the habit of net use: perceptions of risk and reasons for bed net use in Bukoba and Zanzibar (Publications)
acknowledged the malaria-prevention benefits of net use, the exploration of the risk and comfort determinants of net use provides a richer understanding of net use behaviours, particularly in a setting [...] when the threat of malaria has been reduced, this qualitative study sought to understand how changes in perceived risk influence LLIN usage, and to explore in more detail the benefits of net use that are [...] interventions in the United Republic of Tanzania have contributed to reductions in...
Engaging men in women's empowerment: impact of a complex gender transformative intervention on household socio-economic and health outcomes in the... (Publications)
(coefficient = 0.927; p = 0.001). We did not find enough statistically significant evidence of the influence of the intervention on skilled birth attendance (coefficient = 0.943; p = 0.135), or family planning [...] BACKGROUND: In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, women in (peri-)urban areas are commonly engaged in small trade, which allows them to meet the basic needs of their families. Microsaving approaches [...] regardless of being in the intervention or control area. CONCLUSION:...