Correct dosing of artemether-lumefantrine for management of uncomplicated malaria in rural Tanzania: do facility and patient characteristics matter? (Publications)
Tanzania, to ascertain patient characteristics and facility-specific factors that influence correct dosing of AL for management of uncomplicated malaria. METHODS: Exit interviews were conducted with patients [...] facilities were inventoried for capacity and availability of medical products related to care of malaria patients. The outcome was correct dosing of AL based on age and weight. Logistic regression was used [...] BACKGROUND: Use of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), such as...
Children's inhalation exposure to methamidophos from sprayed potato fields in Washington State: exploring the use of probabilistic modeling of... (Publications)
Protection Agency's (EPA) level of concern based on a target margin of exposure of 300. As meteorological conditions during and after spraying influence the amount of material moving into areas where [...] create a 2-D simulation of estimated air concentrations in the community near the fields. This work provides a methodological framework for the assessment of air concentrations of pesticides from agricultural [...] We examined the significance of meteorology and postspray volatilization of...
Spatial variation of PM elemental compositon between and within 20 European study areas - results of the ESCAPE project (Publications)
distinctly different spatial distributions of most of the elements. Variability of PM10_Cu and Fe was mostly due to within-study area differences (67% and 64% of overall variance, respectively) versus b [...] An increasing number of epidemiological studies suggest that adverse health effects of air pollution may be related to particulate matter (PM) composition, particularly trace metals. However, we lack [...] energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis of all PM2.5 and PM10 filters. We...
Impact socio-économique du déversement de déchets toxiques à Abidjan en 2006 à l'échelle des ménages = Socio-economic impact at the household level of... (Publications)
waste, 30.54% of the "affected" households engaged expenses. Those were on average of 92 450 FCFA ( 141), with a minimum of 1 000 FCFA ( 1.5) and a maximum of 1500000 FCFA( 2.287), in spite of the advertisement [...] advertisement of the exemption from payment treatment fees made by the government. The decision of destroying cultures and farms near the points of discharge of the toxic products in a radius of 200 meters, [...] taken by the authorities, touched 2.22% of the households. For these...
Electronic clinical decision algorithms for the integrated primary care management of febrile children in low-resource settings: review of existing... (Publications)
factors that influence compliance and scale-up. IMPLICATIONS: eCDAs are valuable tools that have the potential to improve management of febrile children in primary care and increase the rational use of diagnostics [...] BACKGROUND: The lack of effective, integrated diagnostic tools poses a major challenge to the primary care management of febrile childhood illnesses. These limitations are especially evident in low-resource [...] serious disease. AIMS: This narrative review summarizes existing...
Association of sociocultural stressors with bipolar disorder onset in Puerto Rican youth growing up as members of a minoritized ethnic group: results... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The development of bipolar disorder is currently explained by a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Less is known regarding the influence of sociocultural factors. This [...] This study aims to evaluate the incidence and impact of sociocultural factors on bipolar disorder onset in two comparable samples of youth growing up in different social settings. METHODS: We leveraged data [...] Bronx children, who grew up as a minoritized group, had twice the risk of...
Comparison of model predictions of typhoid conjugate vaccine public health impact and cost-effectiveness (Publications)
endemic settings. However, methodological choices can influence model-predicted outcomes. To provide robust estimates for the potential public health impact of TCVs that account for structural model differences [...] compared four dynamic and one static mathematical model of typhoid transmission and vaccine impact. All models were fitted to a common dataset of age-specific typhoid fever cases in Kolkata, India. We evaluated [...] mean duration of protection), and by 2-16 % under a pessimistic...
Prevention of psychosocial distress consequences in somatic hospital inpatients via a stepped and collaborative care model: protocol of SomPsyNet, a... (Publications)
implementation and impact of the SCCM on distressed patients' health-related quality of life. Secondary objectives include assessing efficacy of the screening procedures, influence of SCCM on other health outcomes [...] through early identification of distress and provision of appropriate care, providing problem-focused pathways and strengthening collaborative care. We report the protocol of the 'SomPsyNet' study, aiming [...] The time-of-transition between phases I and II was randomised. Sample...
Cholesterol screening in childhood: results of a 9-year follow-up study in Swiss and Italian children in Switzerland (Publications)
cholesterol as part of routine preventive health care of children continues to be discussed in several countries. Results of longitudinal studies underline the importance of the predictive value of cholesterol [...] levels between the ages of 5 and 14 were marked. Sexual maturation was found to be of minor influence. Body mass index was the most consistent risk factor in our population. Changes of sex or growth hormone [...] during puberty, but also changes of nutritional habits or physical...
How within-city socioeconomic disparities affect life expectancy? Results of Urban HEART in Tehran, Iran (Publications)
for 2010, respectively. The maximum LE of 80 years was observed in females of northern part with higher SES, and the minimum e0 of 72.7 years observed in males of southern part with lower SES. The e0 gender [...] substantial lack of knowledge about the role of socioeconomic status (SES) indicators on life expectancy (LE) within-cities, especially within mega-cities. We aimed to investigate the disparities of LE within [...] the results of first Tehran's Urban Health Equity Assessment and...