How within-city socioeconomic disparities affect life expectancy? Results of Urban HEART in Tehran, Iran (Publications)
for 2010, respectively. The maximum LE of 80 years was observed in females of northern part with higher SES, and the minimum e0 of 72.7 years observed in males of southern part with lower SES. The e0 gender [...] substantial lack of knowledge about the role of socioeconomic status (SES) indicators on life expectancy (LE) within-cities, especially within mega-cities. We aimed to investigate the disparities of LE within [...] the results of first Tehran's Urban Health Equity Assessment and...
Cholesterol screening in childhood: results of a 9-year follow-up study in Swiss and Italian children in Switzerland (Publications)
cholesterol as part of routine preventive health care of children continues to be discussed in several countries. Results of longitudinal studies underline the importance of the predictive value of cholesterol [...] levels between the ages of 5 and 14 were marked. Sexual maturation was found to be of minor influence. Body mass index was the most consistent risk factor in our population. Changes of sex or growth hormone [...] during puberty, but also changes of nutritional habits or physical...
Is there an association between ambient air pollution and bladder cancer incidence? Analysis of 15 European cohorts (Publications)
pollution contains low concentrations of carcinogens implicated in the etiology of urinary bladder cancer (BC). Little is known about whether exposure to air pollution influences BC in the general population.
Is there an association between ambient air pollution and bladder cancer incidence? Analysis of 15 European cohorts (Publications)
pollution contains low concentrations of carcinogens implicated in the etiology of urinary bladder cancer (BC). Little is known about whether exposure to air pollution influences BC in the general population.
Determinants of modern paediatric healthcare seeking in rural Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
factors that influence healthcare seeking among children with fatal and non-fatal health problems. Methods: Last disease episodes of surviving children and fatal outcomes of children under 5 years of age were [...] investigated by means of an adapted social autopsy questionnaire administered to main caregivers. Descriptive analysis and logistic models were employed to identify key determinants of modern healthcare use [...] 736 non-fatal and 82 fatal cases were assessed. Modern healthcare was...
Determinants of modern paediatric healthcare seeking in rural Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
factors that influence healthcare seeking among children with fatal and non-fatal health problems. Methods: Last disease episodes of surviving children and fatal outcomes of children under 5 years of age were [...] investigated by means of an adapted social autopsy questionnaire administered to main caregivers. Descriptive analysis and logistic models were employed to identify key determinants of modern healthcare use [...] 736 non-fatal and 82 fatal cases were assessed. Modern healthcare was...
Network analysis of dairy cattle movement and associations with bovine tuberculosis spread and control in emerging dairy belts of Ethiopia (Publications)
the network structure of dairy cattle movement and its influence on the transmission and prevalence of BTB in three emerging areas among the Ethiopian dairy belts, namely the cities of Hawassa, Gondar and [...] the spread of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in emerging dairy belts of Ethiopia. Dairy cattle may be moved between farms over long distances, and hence understanding the route and frequency of the movements [...] essential to establish the pattern of spread of BTB between farms, which could...
Effect of schistosomiasis on the outcome of patients infected with HIV-1 starting antiretroviral therapy in rural Tanzania (Publications)
negatively influences immune reconstitution in people living with HIV starting antiretroviral therapy (ART). In this study, we investigated the effect of schistosomiasis on the course of HIV infection [...] estimate the effect of CAA positivity on virological and immunological failure and a composite outcome of death/loss to follow-up (LFU). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: At ART-initiation 19.1% (88/461) of patients were [...] educational attainment, WHO-stage, tuberculosis status, and year of ART...
Attrition, physical integrity and insecticidal activity of long-lasting insecticidal nets in sub-Saharan Africa and modelling of their impact on... (Publications)
levels. RESULTS: There was more variability in decay of protection over time by country than by net brand for three measures of durability (ratios of variance components 4.6, 4.4, and 1.8 times for LLIN [...] small, with physical decay probably more important as a driver of attrition and non-use than as a direct cause of loss of effect. Efforts to maximize LLIN impact in operational settings should focus on [...] needed to understand household decisions related to LLIN use, including the influe...
Network analysis of dairy cattle movement and associations with bovine tuberculosis spread and control in emerging dairy belts of Ethiopia (Publications)
the network structure of dairy cattle movement and its influence on the transmission and prevalence of BTB in three emerging areas among the Ethiopian dairy belts, namely the cities of Hawassa, Gondar and [...] the spread of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in emerging dairy belts of Ethiopia. Dairy cattle may be moved between farms over long distances, and hence understanding the route and frequency of the movements [...] essential to establish the pattern of spread of BTB between farms, which could...