‘The time where the British took the lead is over’: ethical aspects of writing in complex research partnerships (Publications)
different influences on the distribution of power that emerge through a focus on written communication. The focus of the present paper is to illuminate the issues of ethics, power and the dimensions of hierarchy [...] Writing reflects some of the different characteristics of the language being used and of the people who are communicating. The present paper focusses on the internal written communication in international [...] international and inter-disciplinary research projects. Using a case...
Health impact assessment of a watershed development project in southern India: a case study (Publications)
result in a range of positive (e.g. nutrition, sanitation and water quality) and negative health impacts (e.g. vector-borne diseases, pesticide exposure, drowning and zoonosis). HIA of these projects holds [...] health concerns can be systematised in food system planning, we pursued a health impact assessment (HIA) of a watershed development (WSD) project in semi-arid Kolar district, India. The planned WSD project included [...] measures for soil and water conservation, improving agricultural...
Species diversity and acquisition of gastrointestinal parasites in calves aged 0-13 months in periurban livestock production in Mali (Publications)
and spectrum of gastrointestinal parasites in young calves in periurban livestock production in Mali. Generalized linear models with herd as a repeated effect were used to test the influence of management [...] calves kept under traditional management. Calves acquired most of the parasites occurring in adult bovines in West Africa within their first year of life. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved [...] management, age and season of birth on parasite numbers and diversity. Parasite...
Health impact assessment of a watershed development project in southern India: a case study (Publications)
result in a range of positive (e.g. nutrition, sanitation and water quality) and negative health impacts (e.g. vector-borne diseases, pesticide exposure, drowning and zoonosis). HIA of these projects holds [...] health concerns can be systematised in food system planning, we pursued a health impact assessment (HIA) of a watershed development (WSD) project in semi-arid Kolar district, India. The planned WSD project included [...] measures for soil and water conservation, improving agricultural...
‘The time where the British took the lead is over’: ethical aspects of writing in complex research partnerships (Publications)
different influences on the distribution of power that emerge through a focus on written communication. The focus of the present paper is to illuminate the issues of ethics, power and the dimensions of hierarchy [...] Writing reflects some of the different characteristics of the language being used and of the people who are communicating. The present paper focusses on the internal written communication in international [...] international and inter-disciplinary research projects. Using a case...
Effect of malaria on soluble transferrin receptor levels in Tanzanian infants (Publications)
diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia in malaria endemic areas is complicated by the influence of the infection on the laboratory tests conventionally used to assess iron status. Determination of soluble [...] be a sensitive indicator of iron deficiency in adults and is not affected by a range of infectious and inflammatory conditions. The utility of sTfR levels in the diagnosis of iron deficiency in malaria [...] in a rural area of southern Tanzania living under conditions of intense and...
Species diversity and acquisition of gastrointestinal parasites in calves aged 0-13 months in periurban livestock production in Mali (Publications)
and spectrum of gastrointestinal parasites in young calves in periurban livestock production in Mali. Generalized linear models with herd as a repeated effect were used to test the influence of management [...] calves kept under traditional management. Calves acquired most of the parasites occurring in adult bovines in West Africa within their first year of life. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved [...] management, age and season of birth on parasite numbers and diversity. Parasite...
Examining the utilization of social capital by Ghanaians when seeking care for chronic diseases: a personal network survey (Publications)
recurrent costs when seeking NCD care. We measured the level of informal support received by NCD patients and identified factors that influence support provision. Methods: We surveyed 339 NCD patients from [...] demographic and health information, characteristics of social ties, and network characteristics. Results: Participants described 1,371 social ties. Nearly 60% of respondents reported difficulties in their usual [...] usual work or household duties due to chronic illness, which was also...
Testing for <em>Chlamydia trachomatis</em>: time trends in positivity rates in the canton of Basel-Stadt, Switzerland (Publications)
2002-2010. The influences of test year, age, sex and laboratory on CT positivity were investigated in a multivariable model. Positivity differed between sexes and age groups. In our sample of 32 034 records [...] programme exists. We obtained essential denominator information to describe the epidemiology of CT in the canton of Basel-Stadt, an urban canton in north-western Switzerland. Laboratories reporting at least [...] contrast to other European countries without CT screening, we found no...
Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology | Departments of Swiss TPH (Page)
how host factors influence the response to infection and disease using various models of infection as well as clinical samples from human patients. By improving our understanding of these biological processes [...] these phenomena influence the spread of these microbes. We apply various molecular epidemiological approaches to analyze infection and transmission dynamics, and monitor the effects of interventions such [...] treatment on the prevalence and population structure of these pathogens....