What do district health managers in Ghana use their working time for? A case study of three districts (Publications)
practices of district health managers in Ghana. METHODS: All 21 district health managers working in three districts of the Eastern Region were included in the study and followed for a period of three months [...] conducted, covering 1182 person-days of observation. Total time use of the sample population was assessed as well as time use stratified by managerial position. Differences of time use over time were also evaluated [...] RESULTS: District health managers used most of their working time...
Behavioural determinants of gene flow in malaria vector population: <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> males select large females as mates (Publications)
model of male competition for females. RESULTS: Male An. gambiae select females on the basis of size because of much greater fecundity among large females. Even under conditions where large numbers of males [...] following which, the insemination status, oviposition success and egg batch size of each female was assessed. The influence of male and female numbers, strain combination and female size were determined using [...] limit the spread of malaria-refractory genes into wild populations and...
Quantifying nonvertical inheritance in the evolution of <em>Legionella pneumophila</em> (Publications)
intergenic regions for a total of 3,923 bp. In the population genomics analysis, we have studied the roles of recombination and mutation in the common portion of the genome sequence of four L. pneumophila strains [...] a detailed analysis of nonvertical inheritance in Legionella pneumophila, a human pathogen and facultative intracellular parasite of amoebas. We have analyzed the exchange of L. pneumophila genetic material [...] shaping the composition of the L. pneumophila genome and of the...
Cultural context and impact of alcohol use in the Sundarban Delta, West Bengal, India (Publications)
clarifies features of alcohol availability, use, and acceptance in a neglected rural area of India. It illustrates the limitations of western clinical models of dependence and the importance of clarifying s [...] region influence changing patterns of acceptable and problem use of alcohol. Ethnographic methods included participant observation and focus group discussions. The qualitative data analysis of field notes [...] lacking. This community study aimed to clarify local patterns of alcohol use...
Population pharmacokinetics of mefloquine, piperaquine and artemether-lumefantrine in Cambodian and Tanzanian malaria patients (Publications)
investigated the pharmacokinetics of three different forms of artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) in Tanzania and Cambodia to quantify and identify potential sources of variability. METHODS: Drug conc [...] concentrations may not be achieved in a substantial proportion of patients. CONCLUSION: The marked variability in the disposition of different forms of ACT remained largely unexplained by the available covariates [...] intra-individual variabilities in the pharmacokinetic parameters were...
Sex differentials in the uptake of antiretroviral treatment in Zambia (Publications)
This study explores socio-structural factors that influence uptake of antiretroviral treatment (ART) in Zambia and assess differences between men and women. We conducted a case-control study nested in [...] matched by place of residence. We performed a conditional logistic regression analysis using a discrete logistic model stratified by sex. Overall, a significantly larger proportion of men (32.7%) than [...] adjusted analysis suggests that HIV status disclosure affects uptake in both sexes but...
Sleep problems and work injury types: a study of 180 patients in a Swiss emergency department (Publications)
Knowledge about the influence of sleep problems on work injury patterns is limited. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify potential associations between different types of work injuries and sleep [...] and various types of work injury. RESULTS: Each dimension of sleep problems - sleep quality, sleep duration and daytime sleepiness - was a significant risk factor for at least one type of work injury. The [...] study, 180 male and female patients with work injuries were recruited at...
A systematic literature review of reported challenges in health care delivery to migrants and refugees in high-income countries - the 3C model (Publications)
information. RESULTS: Of 185 identified articles, 35 were included in the final analysis. We identified three main topics of challenges in health care delivery: communication, continuity of care and confidence [...] study included at least one of the three main topics and in 21/35 (60%) all three topics were mentioned. We further developed the 3C model and elaborated the interrelatedness of the three topics. Additional [...] and cultural aspects is important and further influences the 3C model....
Comparative testing of a miniature diffusion size classifier to assess airbone ultrafine particles under field conditions (Publications)
the development of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases; thus, detection and quantification of these particles are important for evaluating their potential health hazards. As part of the UFP exposure [...] a highway. Measurements with miniDiSC and P-TRAK correlated well (correlation of r = 0.84) but average particle numbers of the miniDiSC were 30%âeuro"60% higher. This difference was significantly increased [...] dependent effect led to very similar results across all counters.We did not...
Metabonomic investigations of age- and batch-related variations in female NMRI mice using proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Publications)
and weight, and determined the influence of acclimatization on the metabolic profile of biofluids (urine, plasma, and faecal water). Differences in urinary concentrations of 3-ureidopropionate, 2-oxoisocaproate [...] information regarding baseline metabolism of this murine strain is relatively sparse. Using different batches of female NMRI mice, we assessed the stability of the metabolic phenotype with increasing age [...] for inclusion of an acclimatization period prior to starting an...