The context of emergency contraception use among young unmarried women in Accra, Ghana: a qualitative study (Publications)
regarding sexual relationships and contraceptive methods, and to examine the factors that influence choice of ECPs. A total of 32 young women participated in the study. RESULTS: Most participants had used ECPs [...] feared the disruptive effects of ECPs on the menstrual cycle and were concerned about long-term side-effects. ECPs were sometimes used as a back-up in cases of perceived failure of traditional methods like [...] BACKGROUND: Over the past decade, awareness and use of emergency...
Effect of a general school-based physical activity intervention on bone mineral content and density: a cluster-randomized controlled trial (Publications)
group. The intervention consisted of a multi-component PA intervention including daily physical education with at least ten minutes of jumping or strength training exercises of various intensity. Measurements [...] controlled trial in children of both gender and different pubertal stages to determine whether a school-based physical activity (PA) program during one school-year influences bone mineral content (BMC) and [...] baseline BMC, and cluster. RESULTS: 275 (72%) of 380 children who...
Predictors of methacholine responsiveness in a general population (Publications)
the reduction of responsiveness diminishes with each increase of lung size. The quantification of the relative influence of the different factors examined should help in the interpretation of BR [...] s is an end point widely used in epidemiologic studies of asthma. This study aims to quantify the relative importance of different predictors of responsiveness such as age, sex, airway caliber, smoking [...] corresponding curves were almost identical in the region of overlap for male and female...
Evaluating the sustainability, scalability, and replicability of an STH transmission interruption intervention: the DeWorm3 implementation science... (Publications)
into evidence-based practice. The DeWorm3 Project is a series of hybrid trials testing the feasibility of interrupting the transmission of soil transmitted helminths (STH), while conducting implementation [...] on opportunities to optimize delivery of STH interventions. The purpose of DeWorm3 implementation science studies is to ensure rapid and efficient translation of evidence into practice. DeWorm3 will use [...] cost-effectiveness will be evaluated to compare the efficiency of community-wide...
Associations of preconception exposure to air pollution and greenness with offspring asthma and hay fever (Publications)
fever risk increased for offspring of fathers with medium O3 exposure (OR 4.15, 95%CI 1.28–13.50) and mothers with high PM10 exposure (OR 2.66, 95%CI 1.19–5.91). The effect of maternal PM10 exposure on offspring [...] effect on offspring hay fever. To conclude, parental exposure to air pollution appears to influence the risk of asthma and allergies in future offspring.
Knowledge of breastfeeding recommendations and breastfeeding duration: a survival analysis on infant feeding practices II (Publications)
Academy of Pediatrics, infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life followed by breastfeeding with complementary food for up to 2 years of age or beyond. Knowledge of breastfeeding [...] had a lower probability of breastfeeding compared with women with knowledge of breastfeeding recommendations. Furthermore, after adjusting for confounders, women without knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding [...] breastfeeding recommendations may greatly influence breastfeeding...
Community perception of school-based mass drug administration program for soil-transmitted helminths and schistosomiasis in Ogun State, Nigeria (Publications)
guided the exploration of ideas, and the data were analyzed using the QRS Nvivo 12 software package. The study found several barriers, such as the influence of parents, lack of sufficient knowledge, and [...] messages and increasing the visibility of on-site medical personnel. The findings have implications for improving the performance of these programs and reducing the burden of intestinal parasitic infections in [...] control intervention, but the coverage and uptake of this intervention have...
Perinatal mental disorders in Switzerland: prevalence estimates and use of mental-health services (Publications)
estimate the influence of PMD on overall healthcare costs of mandatory health insurance. RESULTS: The annual rate of mental-healthcare use by perinatal women was 16.7%. The annual rate of PMD treatment [...] assessed the annual rates of mental-healthcare use in perinatal women (n = 13 969). We ascertained the annual rates of PMD treatment in obstetric inpatients (n = 89 699), and annual rates of PMD records by freelance [...] Perinatal mental disorders (PMDs) are the most common complication of...
Acceptability measures of water, sanitation and hygiene interventions in low- and middle-income countries, a systematic review (Publications)
work' to 'how they are best implemented'. The 'acceptability' of an intervention is a key component of implementation that can influence initial uptake and sustained use. Acceptability assessments are [...] the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool for randomised studies, and the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for non-randomised studies. Of the 1238 records; 36 studies were included for the analysis, 22 of which were non-randomized [...] scale assessment of how acceptability has been measured in the WASH sector,...
Can smartphones and tablets improve the management of childhood illness in Tanzania? A qualitative study from a primary health care worker's... (Publications)
The impact of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) strategy has been less than anticipated because of poor uptake. Electronic algorithms have the potential to improve quality of health care [...] addition, health system barriers such as lack of staff, lack of medicine and lack of financial motivation were identified as key reasons for the low uptake of the devices. CONCLUSIONS: The ALMANACH built [...] studies about the use of electronic protocols on mobile devices over time are...