Epidemiology of <em>Schistosoma japonicum</em> in China: morbidity and strategies for control in the Dongting Lake region (Publications)
Dongting Lake, covering a very large surface water area of 2691km(2), is located in Hunan Province in the southern part of the People's Republic of China. It is the second-largest freshwater lake in China [...] that the construction of the Three Gorges Super Dam, the largest engineering project ever undertaken, will substantially extend the range of the snail habitats and increase the number of new schistosomiasis [...] China and plays an important role in regulating the amount of water in the...
Policy levers and priority-setting in universal health coverage: a qualitative analysis of healthcare financing agenda setting in Kenya (Publications)
achievement of UHC in terms of its the optimisation of health service coverage; expansion of the population that benefits from essential healthcare services; and the minimisation of out-of-pocket costs [...] and highly political. In light of the centrality of universal health coverage (UHC) in driving current health policy, we sought to examine the value interests that influence agenda setting in the country's [...] findings indicate that the perceived lack of strategic leadership from Kenya's...
Efficiency and stability evaluation of Cu2O/MWCNTs filters for virus removal from water (Publications)
Material conditioning influenced virus removal, with the first litres of water containing higher concentrations of copper than the sixth litres of water, suggesting excess or non-bonded copper species dissolve [...] MWCNTs, but also through antiviral properties of copper which continues to act in the permeate. In conclusion, it is highly important to revise the methods of testing filter materials for virus removal, [...] efficacy (using MS2 bacteriophages) was evaluated. All synthesis procedures...
Key characteristics and perception of different outbreak surveillance systems in Côte d'Ivoire: cross-sectional survey among users (Publications)
distributed to users of the 3 surveillance tools. The survey assessed users' views of the surveillance tools' usefulness, ease of use, feelings toward the tool, conditions that may influence the use, and other [...] important component of this is the disease surveillance tools used. Understanding views and experiences of users is crucial for informing policy decisions and ensuring the seamless functioning of surveillance [...] MAGPI, and DHIS2 users, providing a comprehensive evaluation of their...
Seasonal malaria chemoprevention and the spread of <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>quintuple-mutant parasites resistant to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine: a... (Publications)
l models to identify and quantify the influence of factors driving quintuple-mutant spread and predict the time needed for the mutant to spread from 1% to 50% of inoculations for several SMC deployment [...] amine (with quintuple mutations) potentially threaten the protective effectiveness of SMC. We evaluated the spread of quintuple-mutant parasites and the clinical consequences. METHODS: We used an indi [...] strategies. We estimated the impact of this spread on SMC effectiveness against...
Impact of geocoding methods on associations between long-term exposure to urban air pollution and lung function (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Errors in address geocodes may impact estimates of the effects of air pollution on health. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the impact of four geocoding techniques on the association between urban [...] expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) were measured in 354 adult residents of Grenoble that were participants in two well characterized studies (EGEA and ECRHS). Home addresses [...] CI: -0.56, -6.88) and a 3.86-point decrease in FEV1% predicted (95% CI:...
The development of an ivermectin-based attractive toxic sugar bait (ATSB) to target <em>Anopheles arabiensis</em> (Publications)
containing a toxic dose of ivermectin for the control of Anopheles arabiensis. RESULTS: Dose response experiments were performed in insectary conditions to determine the LD90 of ivermectin against An. [...] persistence of malaria transmission. It is now accepted that in order to eliminate malaria, new complementary vector control approaches must be developed. This study describes the development of a sugar-baited [...] al huts where humans slept under bed nets. Around half of all the released...
The socioeconomic benefit to individuals of achieving the 2020 targets for five preventive chemotherapy neglected tropical diseases (Publications)
tropical diseases (NTDs). They can be controlled or eliminated by means of safe and cost-effective interventions delivered through programs of Mass Drug Administration (MDA)-also named Preventive Chemotherapy [...] dramatic health gains. We estimated the potential economic benefit of achieving these targets, focusing specifically on productivity and out-of-pocket payments. METHODS: Productivity loss was calculated by [...] usted and discounted at 3% per annum from 2010). Sensitivity analyses...
Interplay of strain and race/ethnicity in the innate immune response to <em>M. tuberculosis</em> (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The roles of host and pathogen factors in determining innate immune responses to M. tuberculosis are not fully understood. In this study, we examined host macrophage immune responses of 3 race/ethnic [...] TLR4/LPS triggered the release of less IL-12p70 from Filipino macrophages, and less TNFalpha from White macrophages. CONCLUSIONS: Both host race/ethnicity and pathogen strain influence the innate immune response [...] participants (approximately 45 individuals/group) were...
Timing of antenatal care for adolescent and adult pregnant women in south-eastern Tanzania (Publications)
including poor quality of care, lack of awareness about the health benefit of antenatal care, late recognition of pregnancy, and social and economic factors may influence timing of antenatal care. Commu [...] associations with timing of antenatal care initiation using regression analysis. RESULTS: The majority of pregnant women initiated antenatal care attendance with an average of 5 gestational months. Belonging [...] south-eastern Tanzania in 2008. Qualitative exploratory studies informed the...