Incidence of depression in relation to transportation noise exposure and noise annoyance in the SAPALDIA study (Publications)
relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of depression, independent of traffic-related air pollution and other potential confounders. Incidence of depression was 11 cases per 1,000 person-years. [...] jointly and independently influence the risk of depression. Combined long-term exposures to noise level seems to be most detrimental, largely acting via annoyance. The moderation of noise annoyance effect [...] Prospective evidence on the risk of depression in relation to...
Housing conditions and respiratory health in children in mining communities: an analysis of data from 27 countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Publications)
high levels of indoor air pollution, are important risk factors for a broad range of diseases, including acute respiratory infections (ARI). In mining areas, research on the determinants of respiratory [...] However, mining projects also influence the socioeconomic status of households, which, in turn, affect housing quality and individual behaviors and, thus, housing quality and levels of indoor air pollution. In [...] health indicators at different operational phases of mining projects and as...
Housing conditions and respiratory health in children in mining communities: an analysis of data from 27 countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Publications)
high levels of indoor air pollution, are important risk factors for a broad range of diseases, including acute respiratory infections (ARI). In mining areas, research on the determinants of respiratory [...] However, mining projects also influence the socioeconomic status of households, which, in turn, affect housing quality and individual behaviors and, thus, housing quality and levels of indoor air pollution. In [...] health indicators at different operational phases of mining projects and as...
Incidence of depression in relation to transportation noise exposure and noise annoyance in the SAPALDIA study (Publications)
relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of depression, independent of traffic-related air pollution and other potential confounders. Incidence of depression was 11 cases per 1,000 person-years. [...] jointly and independently influence the risk of depression. Combined long-term exposures to noise level seems to be most detrimental, largely acting via annoyance. The moderation of noise annoyance effect [...] Prospective evidence on the risk of depression in relation to...
Estimating the burden of disease attributable to non-assisted suicide in Switzerland from 2009 to 2021: a secondary data analysis (Publications)
provides a detailed analysis of the burden of non-assisted suicide and attempted suicide in Switzerland. With non-assisted suicide accounting for 6.4% of all years of life lost and 30% of deaths in people aged [...] causes of death according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In Switzerland, suicide has remained the leading cause of death in individuals under 50 since 1990. At the same time, the burden of attempted [...] legality of assisted suicide in Switzerland influences the overall...
A Full Focus on Continuing Education: Portrait of a Career Changer (Page)
seem surprising in view of her curriculum vitae. During her studies in communications and business administration at the University of Zurich, she had already moved into the field of marketing and brand [...] Additionally, the modules offer a lot of practical examples. The participants of the MBA come from all over the world and bring very different backgrounds and levels of experience with them. In each module [...] aware of and it makes a huge difference." She submitted a standard application...
Population genetics of bovine and human schistosomes in Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
and gene flow, which influence how alleles spread throughout a population. Understanding the extent of, and barriers to gene flow can help forecast the direction and rate of spread of advantageous alleles [...] prevention of human fascioliasis and schistosomiasis and, while these programs have had success, continuous adaption of the parasites to evade control measures is a constant risk. Hybridization of species [...] betterment of the health and well-being of humans, animals and the...
Population genetics of bovine and human schistosomes in Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
and gene flow, which influence how alleles spread throughout a population. Understanding the extent of, and barriers to gene flow can help forecast the direction and rate of spread of advantageous alleles [...] prevention of human fascioliasis and schistosomiasis and, while these programs have had success, continuous adaption of the parasites to evade control measures is a constant risk. Hybridization of species [...] betterment of the health and well-being of humans, animals and the...
"Pollen is beautiful...but also quite annoying" | Impact Story (Page)
duration of the pollen season has increased, with measurements indicating an extension of up to 37 days. The intensity of the pollen season has risen dramatically, resulting in a higher volume of pollen [...] initiative between the Institute of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Prevention at the University of Zurich and the Cantonal Medical Service , Health Directorate of the Canton of Zurich. The complete program [...] consists of different phases. “For instance, trees blossom in the early part ...
Déterminants sociaux de la santé en Suisse - comment le genre s'est perdu en chemin (Publications)
on of illnesses in the Swiss population, particularly by gender. Gender influences social position, living conditions as well as health behaviours over the life-course which all together influence health [...] a mere biological factor however hampers the implementation of specific interventions aiming at reducing health inequalities in the name of the social justice principle. [...] health policies and strategies tend to consider gender as a background factor, if not to omit its influence on...