Understanding and improving access to prompt and effective malaria treatment and care in rural Tanzania: the ACCESS Programme (Publications)
programme's strategy is based on a set of integrated interventions, including social marketing for improved care seeking at community level as well as strengthening of quality of care at health facilities. This [...] treatment is central in the fight against malaria. However, a variety of interlinked factors at household and health system level influence access to timely and appropriate treatment and care. Furthermore, [...] complemented by a project that aims to improve the performance of drug...
Immune system development varies according to age, location, and anemia in African children (Publications)
immune profile at the time of vaccination, including an increased frequency of antibody-secreting plasmablasts and follicular helper T cells. Anemic children had lower frequencies of recent thymic emigrant [...] incidence of infectious disease, have the greatest need for the protection afforded by vaccination, but vaccines often show reduced efficacy in these populations. An improved understanding of how age, infection [...] genetics influence immune ontogeny and function is key to informing...
Ist die Epidemie der Adipositas bei Kindern noch aufhaltbar? (Publications)
intensive and sustained modification of the individual's behavior that appropriately accounts for the multifactorial causes of childhood obesity. (2) A concurrent adaptation of external conditions that enable [...] Childhood obesity influences body weight in the adult and is intrinsically associated with multiple co-morbidities. In the past 20 years, the prevalence of overweight and obese school children in Switzerland [...] changes in the quantity and quality of nutrition, a reduction in...
Ist die Epidemie der Adipositas bei Kindern noch aufhaltbar? (Publications)
intensive and sustained modification of the individual's behavior that appropriately accounts for the multifactorial causes of childhood obesity. (2) A concurrent adaptation of external conditions that enable [...] Childhood obesity influences body weight in the adult and is intrinsically associated with multiple co-morbidities. In the past 20 years, the prevalence of overweight and obese school children in Switzerland [...] changes in the quantity and quality of nutrition, a reduction in...
Pulsed radio-frequency electromagnetic fields: dose-dependent effects on sleep, the sleep EEG and cognitive performance (Publications)
dose-response relationship between the strength of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and previously reported effects on the brain, we investigated the influence of EMF exposure by varying the signal intensity [...] head of 15 healthy male subjects was unilaterally exposed for 30 min prior to sleep to a pulse-modulated EMF (GSM handset like signal) with a 10 g-averaged peak spatial specific absorption rate of (1) 0 [...] Sleep architecture was not affected by EMF exposure. Analysis of the sleep...
Lung function and long term exposure to air pollutants in Switzerland. (Publications)
the most consistent effect of a 3.4% change in FVC per 10 microg/m3. Results for ozone were less consistent. Atopy did not influence this relationship. The limited number of study areas and high inter [...] The effect of long-term exposure to air pollutants was studied in a cross-sectional population-based sample of adults (aged 18 to 60 yr; n = 9,651) residing in eight different areas in Switzerland. St [...] data, lung function tests, skin-prick testing, and end-expiratory CO concentration....
Pulsed radio-frequency electromagnetic fields: dose-dependent effects on sleep, the sleep EEG and cognitive performance (Publications)
dose-response relationship between the strength of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and previously reported effects on the brain, we investigated the influence of EMF exposure by varying the signal intensity [...] head of 15 healthy male subjects was unilaterally exposed for 30 min prior to sleep to a pulse-modulated EMF (GSM handset like signal) with a 10 g-averaged peak spatial specific absorption rate of (1) 0 [...] Sleep architecture was not affected by EMF exposure. Analysis of the sleep...
Lung function and long term exposure to air pollutants in Switzerland. (Publications)
the most consistent effect of a 3.4% change in FVC per 10 microg/m3. Results for ozone were less consistent. Atopy did not influence this relationship. The limited number of study areas and high inter [...] The effect of long-term exposure to air pollutants was studied in a cross-sectional population-based sample of adults (aged 18 to 60 yr; n = 9,651) residing in eight different areas in Switzerland. St [...] data, lung function tests, skin-prick testing, and end-expiratory CO concentration....
"There is a cat on our ward": inpatient and staff member attitudes toward and experiences with cats in a psychiatric ward (Publications)
attitudes of inpatients and staff members toward ward cats and the potential of ward cats to enhance patient satisfaction. This influence might be mediated by factors such as the frequency of contact, the [...] statistics and correlations. The results showed that 17 out of 19 inpatients and all the staff members liked having a cat on their ward. Further, 12 out of 14 inpatients on wards without cats would like having [...] The aim of this study was to investigate inpatient and staff member...
"There is a cat on our ward": inpatient and staff member attitudes toward and experiences with cats in a psychiatric ward (Publications)
attitudes of inpatients and staff members toward ward cats and the potential of ward cats to enhance patient satisfaction. This influence might be mediated by factors such as the frequency of contact, the [...] statistics and correlations. The results showed that 17 out of 19 inpatients and all the staff members liked having a cat on their ward. Further, 12 out of 14 inpatients on wards without cats would like having [...] The aim of this study was to investigate inpatient and staff member...