Monitoring an emergent pathogen at low incidence in wastewater using qPCR: mpox in Switzerland (Publications)
shedding may cause detection to be below the limit of quantification or bordering the limit of detection. Here, we investigated how the definition of limit of detection for quantitative polymerase chain reaction [...] with reported clinical cases in 2022, we demonstrate how definitions of detection of a qPCR assay influence epidemiological insights from wastewater. The results highlight the need for information sharing [...] were analyzed for mpox DNA using qPCR. We detected mpox DNA in 22% (79 ...
Decline in air pollution and change in prevalence in respiratory symptoms and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in elderly women (Publications)
with changes in respiratory health over a period of about 20 years. METHODS: We used data from the SALIA cohort study in Germany (Study on the influence of Air pollution on Lung function, Inflammation and [...] BACKGROUND: While adverse effects of exposure to air pollutants on respiratory health are well studied, little is known about the effect of a reduction in air pollutants on chronic respiratory symptoms [...] women aged 55-years took part in the baseline investigation. Of these, 2116...
Chronic airflow obstruction in Tanzania - a cross-sectional study (Publications)
findings. TB may have more impact on development of chronic airway obstruction than smoking in Africa. Due to the influence of age on the GOLD definition of chronic airflow obstruction, studies should report [...] evidence of pulmonary restriction among those exposed or not exposed to risk factors (n = 552). FEV1% predicted, but in particular FEF25-75 decreased with increasing symptom severity of shortness of breath [...] predicted. Participants having refrained from taking a job because of...
Decline in air pollution and change in prevalence in respiratory symptoms and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in elderly women (Publications)
with changes in respiratory health over a period of about 20 years. METHODS: We used data from the SALIA cohort study in Germany (Study on the influence of Air pollution on Lung function, Inflammation and [...] BACKGROUND: While adverse effects of exposure to air pollutants on respiratory health are well studied, little is known about the effect of a reduction in air pollutants on chronic respiratory symptoms [...] women aged 55-years took part in the baseline investigation. Of these, 2116...
Chronic airflow obstruction in Tanzania - a cross-sectional study (Publications)
findings. TB may have more impact on development of chronic airway obstruction than smoking in Africa. Due to the influence of age on the GOLD definition of chronic airflow obstruction, studies should report [...] evidence of pulmonary restriction among those exposed or not exposed to risk factors (n = 552). FEV1% predicted, but in particular FEF25-75 decreased with increasing symptom severity of shortness of breath [...] predicted. Participants having refrained from taking a job because of...
Objectively measured physical activity in population-representative parent-child pairs: parental modelling matters and is context-specific (Publications)
increase of 1 min of mother's and of father's MVPA was associated with 0.24 and 0.21 min more MVPA in children, respectively. Father's PA was associated with that of their sons, but not with that of their [...] BACKGROUND: Evidence for the context-specific influence of parental modelling on physical activity (PA) in childhood remains inconclusive. This nationwide Swiss study assessed the cross-sectional association [...] association between objectively measured PA of parents and their children...
Objectively measured physical activity in population-representative parent-child pairs: parental modelling matters and is context-specific (Publications)
increase of 1 min of mother's and of father's MVPA was associated with 0.24 and 0.21 min more MVPA in children, respectively. Father's PA was associated with that of their sons, but not with that of their [...] BACKGROUND: Evidence for the context-specific influence of parental modelling on physical activity (PA) in childhood remains inconclusive. This nationwide Swiss study assessed the cross-sectional association [...] association between objectively measured PA of parents and their children...
Risk factors for schistosomiasis in an urban area in northern Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
with decreased odds of S. mansoni infection. The socioeconomic status did not appear to influence the prevalence of S. mansoni. CONCLUSIONS: A strategy to reduce the incidence of schistosomiasis should [...] overall prevalence of schistosomiasis among school-aged children in Korhogo was 1.9% (45/2341) composed of 0.3% (3/1248) S. haematobium and 3.5% (42/1202) S. mansoni. Due to the low prevalence of S. haematobium [...] transmitted by trematodes belonging to the genus Schistosoma. The aim of...
Risk factors for schistosomiasis in an urban area in northern Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
with decreased odds of S. mansoni infection. The socioeconomic status did not appear to influence the prevalence of S. mansoni. CONCLUSIONS: A strategy to reduce the incidence of schistosomiasis should [...] overall prevalence of schistosomiasis among school-aged children in Korhogo was 1.9% (45/2341) composed of 0.3% (3/1248) S. haematobium and 3.5% (42/1202) S. mansoni. Due to the low prevalence of S. haematobium [...] transmitted by trematodes belonging to the genus Schistosoma. The aim of...
Fine-scale spatial and temporal variations in insecticide resistance in <em>Culex pipiens</em> complex mosquitoes in rural south-eastern Tanzania (Publications)
identification and molecular assays of adult Culex revealed that 94% were Cx. pipiens complex, of which 81% were Cx. quinquefasciatus, 2% Cx. pipiens, and 3% hybrids. About 14% of the specimens were non-amplified [...] and triphenyl phosphate, were employed to investigate mechanisms of the observed resistance phenotypes. Proportional biting densities of Culex species, relative to other taxa, were determined from indoor [...] pirimiphos-methyl and malathion, except for one incident of reduced...