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Chemoprophylaxis in leprosy (Publications)
Die Bevölkerung und die Experten: Gesellschaft, Politk und Wissenschaft / Wie weiter nach dem Ja zum Minarett-Verbot (Publications)
"One Health"': points of leverage of closer cooperation of human and animal health (Publications)
Enhancing joint delivery of human and animal health services in remote areas (Publications)
Interdisciplinary research on environmental sanitation and health: conceptual framework develoment and field test (Publications)
Tapping local resources for HIV prevention among the Borana pastoral community (Publications)
Factors associated with dog rabies immunisation status in Bamako, Mali (Publications)
Experiences with a voluntary surveillance system for early detection of diseases in Switzerland: participation of veterinary practitioners and the... (Publications)
Point de vue : Respectons nos animaux! Aïsata et son chien, ou comment éradiquer la rage dans certaines villes d'Afrique (Publications)
Punto di vista : Rispettiamo gli animali! Aïsata e il suo cane : eradicare la rabbia dalle città africane è una missione possibile (Publications)