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Aortic thrombosis in antiphospholipid syndrome (Publications)
How to measure responses to anthelmintic treatments? Centile distribution of individual versus group mean egg reduction rates (Publications)
Premenstrual syndrome and major depression: population-based results on the interrelation of the two disorders (Publications)
Suivi échographique prolongé d'enfants infestés par <em>Schistosoma haematobium</em> après traitement par praziquantel (Publications)
Literaturrecherche zu den Wirkungen von Stickstoffoxiden (NOx) auf den Menschen : epidemiologische Studien (Publications)
Comparing methods to assess schistosoma response to praziquantel treatment (Publications)
Vom STI zum Swiss TPH: Streiflichter zur Geschichte des Schweizerischen Tropeninstituts (Publications)
From STI to the Swiss TPH: Spotlights on the history of the Swiss Tropical Institute (Publications)
Auf der Suche nach Boukary Porgo : Fragmente einer Schweizer Wissensgeschichte in Westafrika (Publications)
A la recherche de Boukary Porgo : fragments d'une histoire du savoir suisse en Afrique de l'Ouest (Publications)