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Cultural epidemiology and community determinants of vaccine acceptance (Publications)
HIV/AIDS in eastern Europe - The fastest-growing epidemic in the world (Publications)
Why worry about drug management (Publications)
New Swiss drug legislation: control of drug export is necessary (Publications)
Using regional socio-ecologic models to identify system barriers and enablers for the adoption of Improved Cook Stoves in rural Peru (Publications)
Auswirkungen einer prophylaktischen Gabe von Riboflavin an Schwangere auf die Häufigkeit der Malaria: Ergebnisse einer prospektiven randomisierten... (Publications)
Natural insulin is cost-effective (Publications)
Using the behavioral economic model (BEM) to create practical field applications to improve ICS adoption (Publications)
Managing pharmaceuticals in international Health (Publications)
Miltefosin - eine Fallstudie, wie öffentliche Erfindungen für arme Länder verfügbar gemacht werden können (Publications)