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Evaluation von poly- und monoklonalen Antikörpern gegen Hybridprodukte der genetischen Rekombination bei afrikanischen Trypanosomen (Publications)
Analysis of personal and bedroom exposure to ELF-MFs in children in Italy and Switzerland (Publications)
Les ambiguïtés des filles urbaines dans la gestion de leur sexualité: un tour d'horizon anthropologique (document de travail) (Publications)
Statistical modeling of the spatial variability of environmental noise levels in Montreal, Canada, using noise measurements and land use... (Publications)
Mass screening and treatment for <em>P. falciparum</em> malaria: how effective is it likely to be? (Publications)
Household sanitation and hygiene indicators of enteric pathogen transmission and childhood diarrheal exposure risk in Mirzapur, Bangladesh (Publications)
Gesundheitsverhalten bei Schulkindern: eine Teilauswertung der Studie "Krankheitsverhalten von Kindern Basel-Stadt" (Publications)
Alte Seuchen - neu : Beispiel Cholera in Peru (Publications)
The dynamics of<em> Plasmodium vivax </em>primary infections and relapses in a cohort of children in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Regulation of polar auxin transport by protein-protein interactions (Publications)