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Overcoming language barriers to health care in Switzerland (Publications)
Die Sprachleistung 14-jähriger ehemaliger Risikofrühgeborener im Vergleich zu Termingeborenen (Publications)
Studies on the mechanism of protease stimulation in <em>Aedes aegypti</em> (Insecta, Diptera), stimulation of trypsin-like enzymes (Publications)
Untersuchungen über Tumorantigene in Adenovirus Typ 12 induzierten Hamstertumoren (Publications)
Untersuchungen über den Verbrauch an fluoridiertem Trinkwasser bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Basel (Publications)
Insecticide-treated nets: from social marketing to national programms (Publications)
Préparer l'enfant voyageur. Recommendations pour des voyages hors d'Europe (partie 1) (Publications)
Prevalence of respiratory viruses among febrile children with or without acute respiratory symptoms in Tanzania (Publications)
Recommandations cliniques pour l'évaluation de la fièvre chez les voyageurs ou migrants (Publications)
Etiologies of acute febrile illness among adults attending outpatient clinics in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Publications)