Comparative analysis of <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> <em>pe </em>and <em>ppe</em> genes reveals high sequence variation and an apparent absence... (Publications)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) genomes contain 2 large gene families termed pe and ppe. The function of pe/ppe proteins remains enigmatic but studies suggest that they are secreted or cell
Preventing childhood malaria in Africa by protecting adults from mosquitoes with insecticide-treated nets (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria prevention in Africa merits particular attention as the world strives toward a better life for the poorest. Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) represent a practical means to prevent m
The use of insecticide-treated nets for reducing malaria morbidity among children aged 6-59 months, in an area of high malaria transmission in central... (Publications)
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are an important tool for controlling malaria. Much attention has been devoted to determine both the effect of LLINs on the reduction of Pl
Bottlenecks and the maintenance of minor genotypes during the life cycle of <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> (Publications)
African trypanosomes are digenetic parasites that undergo part of their developmental cycle in mammals and part in tsetse flies. We established a novel technique to monitor the population dynamics of
A virosomal malaria peptide vaccine elicits a long-lasting sporozoite-inhibitory antibody response in a phase 1a clinical trial (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: Peptides delivered on the surface of influenza virosomes have been shown to induce solid humoral immune responses in experimental animals. High titers of peptide-specific antibodies were a
Prevalence and risk factors of helminths and intestinal protozoa infections among children from primary schools in western Tajikistan (Publications)
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Intestinal parasitic infections represent a public health problem in Tajikistan, but epidemiological evidence is scarce. The present study aimed at assessing the extent of helmin
European community respiratory health survey II : final report of work package 5 : historic data of ambient air pollution in 37 European cities of... (Publications)
Starting in 2000, the adult population of 29 of the original 41 (mostly) European centres of the former ECRHS I cross-sectional study (1989-92) is being re- investigated in a cohort study. The primary
From strategy development to routine implementation: the cost of Intermittent Preventive Treatment in Infants for malaria control (Publications)
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals for health requires a massive scaling-up of interventions in Sub Saharan Africa. Intermittent Preventive Treatment in infants (IPTi) is
Creating an "enabling environment" for taking insecticide treated nets to national scale: the Tanzanian experience (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: Malaria is the largest cause of health services attendance, hospital admissions and child deaths in Tanzania. At the Abuja Summit in April 2000 Tanzania committed itself to protect 60% o