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A regression-based method for mapping traffic-related air pollution: application and testing in four contrasting urban environments (Publications)
L'environnement en tant que ressource de santé (Publications)
Beyond the buffers: advancing the use of GIS to model exposures to environmental pollution (Publications)
Increased fecal calprotectin at age 2 months associates with early colonisation pattern and predicts atopic dermatitis and asthma by the age of 6... (Publications)
Zur Ultrastruktur des Mitteldarmepithels bei Flöhen (Insecta Siphonaptera) (Publications)
Traditionelle Medizin in Ukerewe und Bukoba : Evaluationsmission des Swissaid-Projektes "Traditionelle Medizin Ukerewe/Bukoba" 30.4.-1.7.1988 (Publications)
Umwelt als Gesundheitsressource (Publications)
Neue Forschungsergebnisse über Wildtiere als Trypanosomiasen-Reservoir (Publications)
Relapsing fevers (Publications)
Vergleichende Prüfung dreier Antigene für die Malaria-Serologie (Publications)