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Large-scale Bayesian spatial modelling of air pollution for policy support (Publications)
Diphenyl furans and aza analogs: effects of structural modification on in vitro activity, DNA binding, and accumulation and distribution in... (Publications)
How critical is timing for the diagnosis of influenza in general practice (Publications)
Evaluation der stillfreundlichen Kliniken in der Schweiz im Rahmen der Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (Publications)
Measuring health impact of improved water supplies and sanitation in Zimbabwe (Publications)
Measuring health impact of improved water supplies and sanitation in Zimbabwe (Publications)
Gesundheitsstrategien von Asylsuchenden und Flüchtlingen und die allgemeinmedizinische Versorgung in der Schweiz: Schlussbericht (Publications)
Prophylaxie pré- et post-expositionnelle: qui et comment vacciner? (Publications)
IMCI supplemented with malaria rapid diagnostic test and Intermittent Preventive Treatment (IPTI): impact on disease incidence and case management in... (Publications)
Monitoring der Stillfreundlichkeit in zertifizierten Geburtskliniken und in Kliniken oder Spitälern, die das Zertifikat anstreben (Baby Friendly... (Publications)