The microbiome antibiotic resistome: significant strategies toward microbiome-targeted therapeutic interventions in medicine (Publications)
Antibiotic resistance/drug resistance occurs in some, or less commonly all, subpopulations of microbes, usually bacteria, which can survive after exposure to one or more antibiotic environments. A mic
Europe-wide high-spatial resolution air pollution models are improved by including traffic flow estimates on all roads (Publications)
Road traffic is an important source of noise and air pollution. Modelling of air pollution and noise therefore requires detailed information on annual average daily traffic (AADT) flows on all roads.
Pilot use of a mycolactone-specific lateral flow assay for <em>Buruli ulcer</em>: a case report from Japan (Publications)
Buruli ulcer, caused by Mycobacterium (M.) ulcerans, is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) characterized by necrosis of the cutaneous tissue, predominantly affecting the limbs. The pathogenesis of thi
Surveillance of global, travel-related illness using a novel app: a multivariable, cross-sectional study (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: Current traveller health surveillance is 'top-down'. Mobile-based surveillance could capture infection symptoms in real time. We aimed to evaluate the spectrum of illness in travellers u
Challenges in the evaluation of suicide prevention measures and quality of suicide data in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland: findings from... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Suicide prevention requires diverse, integrated, and evidence-based measures. Comprehensive evaluation of interventions and reliable suicide data are crucial for guiding policy-making and
Weekend physical activity profiles and their relationship with quality of life: the SOPHYA cohort of Swiss children and adolescents (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: Quality of life (QoL) is an important health indicator among children and adolescents. Evidence on the effect of physical activity (PA)-related behaviors on QoL among youth remains incon
Breast cancer in women by HIV status: a report from the South African National Cancer Registry (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer (BC) is the leading cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality in women living in South Africa, a country with a high HIV burden. However, characteristics of the double
Removable dental prostheses and difficulties with chewing among frail individuals: results from the Swiss SAPALDIA cohort (Publications)
Oral healthcare among the frail is an underestimated geriatric care element. While neglected oral health (OH) is a well-established risk factor for frailty, frailty can be a risk factor for subsequent